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綠色旅館標章上路 到美國密蘇里州來一趟綠色旅行


位於堪薩斯州的綠色認證旅館。圖片提供:Q Hotel 。密蘇里飯店協會已經發展出一個認證計劃以認證有使用可持續發展和綠色經營之道的旅館及飯店,這個認證的計畫和其網站於2009年1月1日開始上線


「這個協會對環境議題的全面解決之道是其他產業的模範。」天然資源部的執行長卻爾德斯(Doyle Childers)12月29日這樣表示。








密蘇里飯店協會執行長摩曼(Ramona Mormann)表示:「減少用水和增進能源的使用效能,是兩個節省水電費的好方法,減少有毒化學物可以保護員工的健康和安全,並為住客創造一個更舒適更吸引人的環境,當然我們有那麼多為了乾淨純粹的溪流或湖泊而來的釣魚或划船的觀光客,任何讓我們的水質更乾淨、空氣更清新的計畫,都是對我們經濟的投資。」

這個計畫的批准包含了一個於2008年11月13日由州長布朗特(Matt Blunt)頒布的執行令,州長特別強調密蘇里州的觀光產業每年約佔140億,對其經濟相當重要。


肯薩斯市至少已經有一家綠色旅館了,今年很有歷史的Quarterage旅館已經全部重新裝潢,使用了國家認證的生態計畫,改名為Q Hotel + Spa。

有些綠色的特色包括房間內的回收、Green Seal核可的清潔用品、節能的水和電器用品;一個電油混合的接駁車以及提供給入宿客人使用的腳踏車。

Missouri Travelers Will Find Newly Certified Green Hotels
JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, December 30, 2008 (ENS)

The Missouri Hotel and Lodging Association has developed a program to certify hotels and other lodging establishments that use sustainable and green business practices. The Certified Green program and its website,  will launch on January 1, 2009.

Missouri's Green Lodging Certification is a pilot project of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources that will be conducted in cooperation with the association to recognize those lodgings that go beyond existing state and federal regulations to insure that their operations have a minimal environmental impact on their local communities.

"The association's holistic approach to a broad range of environmental issues is a model which can be used by other segments of our economy," DNR Director Doyle Childers said in a statement Monday.

The program will look at energy conservation, water conservation, waste minimization and recycling, landscaping and maintenance, air emissions, and housekeeping practices at establishments that apply for certification.

Each participating lodging business completes an on-line application providing information about its operation.

Program staff will review answers and calculate the facility's score. Those attaining a score of 100 or above will be certified.

Existing environmental auditors from the DNR's regional offices will make pre-arranged on-site visits to confirm specific aspects of the original self certification.

During the ensuing two years, each facility will be required to attain a score of 130 points in order for the certification to be extended for another two years.

Certified establishments will receive a plaque from the association, use of the Certified Green logo for printed and online materials, and listing on the association's website as a DNR-certified property.
The Missouri Hotel and Lodging Association is providing a special benefit and marketing program to their members who achieve a state certification.

The association's executive director Ramona Mormann said, "Reducing water usage and improving energy efficiency are both highly effective ways to lower utility bills. Minimizing hazardous chemicals protects the health and safety of staff and creates a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere for visitors. And, of course, with so many visiting our state to boat or fish on our clean, pure rivers or lakes, or for a day of culture and sight-seeing in one of our metropolitan areas, any investment that makes our water cleaner and our air healthier is also an investment in our economy."

Authorization for the pilot program is contained in a Executive Order issued November 13, 2008 by Governor Matt Blunt that emphasizes the importance of Missouri's $14 billion annual tourist industry to the state's economy.

"Increasingly, travelers prefer to support local businesses that can document a commitment to environmental protection," the governor stated in his Order.

Kansas City already has at least one green hotel. This year, the historic Quarterage Hotel has completed a total renovation and transformation into the Q Hotel + Spa by using a nationally recognized eco-plan.

Some of the green features include in-room recycling, Green Seal approved cleaning products, energy efficient water and electrical devices, a hybrid shuttle vehicle and the availability of guest bicycles.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.