全美市長會議:歐巴馬的經濟復甦計畫 將大量增加綠領工作 | 環境資訊中心

全美市長會議:歐巴馬的經濟復甦計畫 將大量增加綠領工作


西雅圖市長尼可思。圖片提供:西雅圖市市長辦公室。氣候保護和綠色工作將會是2009年全美市長會議之重要議程。由超過1000個主要城市所組成而影響力非凡的全美市長會議1月19日於華盛頓結尾的會議將環保尖兵西雅圖市長尼可思(Greg Nickels)選為會議準總統。




在歷史性的總統就職前,由超過250個國內市長所組成的全美市長會議由總統邁阿密市長戴椰茲(Manny Diaz)所帶領的冬季會議,討論國家重點及歐巴馬所提出的一項數十億美元的「美國復甦與再投資計畫」(American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan)。





Mayors: Green Jobs Will Grow From Obama's Stimulus Plan
WASHINGTON, DC, January 19, 2009 (ENS)

Climate protection and green jobs will top the agenda for the nation's mayors in 2009. Climate champion Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has been elected incoming president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, an influential organization of more than 1,000 major cities, which today wrapped up its winter meeting in Washington.

Nickels launched the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement in 2005, pledging to meet or beat the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of the international Kyoto Protocol - a seven percent reduction from 1990 levels by the end of 2012. To date, 910 mayors have signed the agreement.

"As our nation and metro areas work to reduce carbon emissions, our determination will open new opportunities for clean energy and green jobs," said Nickels.

The mayors Saturday released their fourth and latest economic recovery report, showing that an economic stimulus package supporting green jobs in energy, water and wastewater infrastructure, public transit and rail improvements could put hundreds of thousands of people to work immediately. Projects proposed by 779 cities across the country could start quickly and be completed within one or two years, the mayors report.

In the midst of the events surrounding this historic Presidential Inauguration, more than 250 of the nation's mayors, led by U.S. Conference of Mayors President Mayor Manny Diaz of Miami, Florida gathered for their winter meeting to discuss national priorities and Obama's proposed multi-billion dollar American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.

Earlier this month Obama said, "To put people back to work today and reduce our dependence on foreign oil tomorrow, we will double renewable energy production and renovate public buildings to make them more energy efficient. To build a 21st century economy, we must engage contractors across the nation to create jobs rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools."

These projects could include energy retrofits of public and private buildings in local areas, installation of solar panels or wind turbines for the production of electricity on local buildings, deployment of new energy distribution technologies - such as distributed generation or district heating and cooling systems - that increase energy efficiency, and development of systems to capture and generate power from methane at landfills.

The mayors are urging the new President and Congress to establish a national emissions reduction target of 80 percent by 2050, a level most scientists say is essential to avoid the worst effects of global warming.
The mayors want Congress and President Obama to enact carbon cap-and-trade legislation that supports local government initiatives and reduces greenhouse emissions.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.