葡萄牙近日發現有民眾蓄意射殺國內僅存的伊比利帝鵰(Iberian Imperial eagle),環保團體已對此同聲表示譴責。
根據山貓救助機構SOS Lynx、A Nossa Terra和Almargem環保團體3月8日所發表的聲明指出,射殺行為約是2月21日至23日發生在瓜迪亞納谷國家公園內,鄰近東南方與西班牙的邊界,槍擊地點位於保育區內的帝鵰巢旁邊,猜測是由一人或多人所擊發,但目前尚無法確認身份。
學名為Aquila adalberti,也被稱為西班牙帝鵰的伊比利帝鵰,是全球三大稀有捕食者鳥類的一種,數量僅剩400隻。牠在世界自然保育聯盟的瀕危物種紅皮書中被列為瀕臨絕種。伊比利帝鵰曾經大量分佈在伊比利半島,但現在只限於西班牙中南部的小塊區域,以及葡萄牙西班牙的邊界。
蓄意獵殺伊比利帝鵰在葡萄牙國內法和國際法都是違法行為。環保團體認為這次的射殺事件,是葡萄牙物種和重要捕食者復育行動的一大災難,其中包括伊比利猞猁(Iberian lynx)的計劃引進。
學名為Lynx pardinus的伊比利猞猁,是全球最重要的瀕危貓科動物,2005年3月所進行的研究預估現存的數量,從1960年的4000隻、2000年的400隻,到現在已少於100隻。
Portuguese environmental groups have denounced the deliberate shooting of the country's only nesting male Iberian Imperial eagle.
The shooting occurred sometime between February 21 and 23 in the Vale do Guadiana natural park, close to the country's southeastern border with Spain, according to a statement Sunday by the environmental groups, including SOS Lynx, A Nossa Terra and Almargem.
The shooting occurred next to the eagle's nest within a protected area by an individual or individuals as yet unidentified.
Miguel Rodrigues, spokesperson for SOS Lynx, said, "Irrational attitudes constitute one of the main barriers to conservation in Spain and Portugal. If predator persecution cannot be adequately controlled, the future recovery of many important predator species will be in doubt."
The Iberian Imperial eagle, Aquila adalberti, also called the Spanish Imperial eagle, is one of the three rarest birds of prey in the world, with only 400 individuals surviving. It is listed as Vulnerable to extinction in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
The species was once widespread across the Iberian Peninsula, but is now confined to small parts of central and southern Spain, and areas close to the Spanish border in Portugal.
The deliberate shooting of an Iberian Imperial eagle is illegal under Portuguese and international law.
The groups say this shooting represents a disaster for the species' recovery in Portugal, as well as the recovery of other important predators, including the planned reintroduction of Iberian lynx.
The Iberian Lynx, Lynx pardinus, is the most endangered feline species in the world. Studies conducted in March 2005 estimated the number of surviving Iberian lynx to be as few as 100, which is down from about 400 in 2000 and down from 4,000 animals in 1960.
The male eagle that was shot is one of just four birds that had recently recolonized Portugal, moving across the border from Spain.
However, the IUCN warns, due to a combination of excessive hunting and eradication programs, habitat loss and the arrival of myxomatosis in the 1950s and rabbit hemorrhagic virus in 1989, rabbit populations have declined and remain very low in most areas - just five percent of pre-1950s levels. This in turn has led to the decline in many predator species, including the Iberian lynx and Iberian Imperial eagle.