蘇丹驅逐援救組織 不顧百萬人民面臨飢荒及乾旱 | 環境資訊中心

蘇丹驅逐援救組織 不顧百萬人民面臨飢荒及乾旱


南Darfur的婦女;攝影:Martien von Asseldonk聯合國最高人道救援官員3月9日表示,國際間各團體皆嘗試逆轉,蘇丹政府近日對於駐戰亂多年的蘇丹達佛地區中的13個國際救援組織,所下達的驅逐令。

聯合國人道救援協調者赫姆斯(John Holmes)表示,聯合國各部會同時著手安排緊急應變措施,以提供給仰賴生命救援協助的470萬蘇丹人民,其中包括270萬流離失所的難民等。


其中,若是沒有即時的大規模疫苗接種,南達佛地區的卡馬營區(Kalma Camp)爆發的腦膜炎將會散佈。
蘇丹於3月4日在國際刑事法庭(International Criminal Court)對現任蘇丹總統巴席爾(Omar Al-Bashir)因在達佛衝突涉嫌犯下戰爭及違反人道之罪名等發出拘捕令後,決定驅逐非政府組織。

收容新抵難民的一個營地,位於北Darfur地區的El Fasher附近;圖片提供:Oxfam聯合國人道部會警告這項驅除令將砍去現有援助的一半,驅逐令特別影響到樂施會(Oxfam),Care International,國際救援委員會(International Rescue Committee)和救助兒童會(Save the Children)以及駐守戰亂地區14000人員之中的7000人員。


總部位在瑞士的Care International秘書長葛拉斯(Robert Glasser)表示,「蘇丹是全世界最窮困的國家之一。這項決定將會對仰賴人道救援如糧食,安全飲用水和醫療保健的百萬蘇丹人民相當慘烈的衝擊」。

駐日內瓦的聯合國難民總署(UN High Commissioner for Refugees)發言人瑞德蒙(Ron Redmond)於3月6日表示,「現在達佛地區總共有470萬蘇丹人,包含270萬難民接受急難援助,我們非常擔憂現在僅存的脆弱急難援助線,將在下一波的人口移動受到衝擊。」

Sudan Expels Aid Groups While Millions Thirst, Starve
NEW YORK, New York, March 9, 2009 (ENS)

The United Nation's top humanitarian official said today that the world body is striving at all levels to reverse the expulsion of 13 major aid groups from Sudan's war-torn Darfur region ordered by the Sudanese Government.

UN Humanitarian Coordinator John Holmes said that at the same time UN agencies are urgently planning to cover gaps in life-saving assistance that is essential to 4.7 million Sudanese - including 2.7 million internally displaced persons.

The UN estimates that the expulsions would leave 1.1 million people without food, 1.5 million without health care and at least one million without drinking water.

There are already concerns that a meningitis outbreak in Kalma Camp in South Darfur will spread if not addressed through immediate large-scale inoculation Sudan's decision to begin ejecting the non-governmental organizations came on Wednesday, immediately after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for President Omar Al-Bashir for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Darfur.

UN humanitarian agencies are warning that aid capability could be slashed by half, since the decision affected such major groups as Oxfam, Care International, International Rescue Committee and Save the Children, along with some 7,000 staff out of a total of some 14,000 in the troubled region.

The NGOs say they are independent and impartial and have no links to the International Criminal Court. Their sole concern is for the people who rely on their services.

"Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world. This will have a devastating impact on the millions of people in Sudan who rely on humanitarian assistance for food, safe drinking water, and health care," said Robert Glasser, secretary general of CARE International, headquartered in Switzerland.

"With some 4.7 million Sudanese - including 2.7 million internally displaced - already receiving assistance in Darfur, we are very concerned over the prospect of new population movements in the region should the fragile aid lifeline inside Sudan be disrupted," Ron Redmond, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said Friday in Geneva.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.