世界水資源論壇 水資源提昇為全球優先議題 | 環境資訊中心

世界水資源論壇 水資源提昇為全球優先議題



來自全球192個國家的與會者齊聚在土耳其伊斯坦堡(Istanbul),參與「世界水資源論壇(the World Water Forum)」。這個論壇吸引了3位王子、3位總統及5位總理、超過90位部長、63位市長及超過2萬3千名與會者的參與。

國際自然保育聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)告訴論壇的代表,當全球人口成長而淡水資源縮減,因為水資源短缺又必須共用而造成的衝突將可能持續增加。但是這個全世界最大的環保團體仍提出忠告,在需要共用河川資源的區域進行更好的合作方案,可以協助政府間避免水資源危機。

國際自然保育聯盟的秘書長(director general)黎菲蕊(Julia Marton Lefevre)表示:「我們不能輕忽水對這個地球生命的重要性,它對我們而言就像我們所呼吸的空氣一樣無可取代」。



傳統上,在共用河川議題上的協商一向聚焦在水資源的分配上,一旦水資源被分割後,每個國家就只會試著在他們的國境之內進行最好的管理措施,而不會對超越他們範圍的流域有所行動。儘管如此,IUCN還是會在3月22日世界水資源日(World Water Day)之前發表他們的新報告,以倡導他們的想法,告訴互相競爭的消費者不要將焦點放在各自所分配到的水量,而應該放在以流域整體為考量範圍的利益分享。

IUCN水資源計畫(Water Program)的主持人史密斯(Mark Smith)表示:「共用河川的問題在於如果共用的國家不互相合作,可能會致使他們都要試著不止一次地重複使用相同水源。當他們真的必須這樣作時,周遭環境會失去它所需的水分,當壓力再升高時,區域發展就會停滯。若能在河川流域進行合作的話,將會獲得相反的結果,因為環境健康而獲益,在其上的發展成果也能夠共享,並且因此提昇和平相處的契機。」


Forum Moves Water Higher Up Global Priority List
ISTANBUL, Turkey, March 18, 2009 (ENS)

Climate change, financial turmoil, energy supplies, biodiversity loss, food scarcity - all are competing for the attention of world leaders, but this week the focus is on the one resource essential for life - water. Participants from 192 countries are in Istanbul for the world's largest water event, the World Water Forum, which drew three princes, three presidents, five prime ministers, over 90 ministers, 63 mayors and more than 23,000 attendees.

Conflict over scarce shared water resources is increasingly likely as the planet's population grows and freshwater resources shrink, the International Union for Conservation of Nature told Forum delegates today.

But the world's largest environmental group advised that better cooperation over shared rivers can help governments avoid water crises.

"We cannot understate the importance of water for life on this planet; it's as necessary as the air we breathe," says Julia Marton Lefevre, IUCN's director general.

"Governments must realize that river basins, not national borders, are the boundaries around which effective water management must be drawn."

"We have alternatives to oil but there is no alternative to water," said Marton-Lefevre. "During these times of financial crisis we cannot lose sight of the fundamental economic importance of water for life and commerce."

Rivers shared by neighboring countries provide an estimated 60 percent of the world's freshwater. There are 260 international river basins in the world, which cover nearly half of the Earth's surface and are home to 40 percent of the world's population.

Traditionally, the focus in negotiations over shared rivers has been the apportioning of water. Once the water is divided, each country tries to optimize management within its borders rather than across the shared basin. Yet, the new IUCN report released ahead of World Water Day on March 22, advocates that the focus should be not on the volume of water parceled out between competing consumers, but on basin-wide benefit sharing.

"The problem with shared rivers is that if nations don't cooperate; they can all end up trying to use the same water more than once," says Mark Smith, head of IUCN's Water Program. "When they do, the environment loses out on the water it needs, and development fails while tensions rise. Cooperation on rivers means the reverse; the benefits of a healthy environment and development can be shared, while promoting peace."

"A clear message is needed from governments in Istanbul as water users will only share water cooperatively when they believe it's their best option," said Marton Lefevre.

Held once every three years, the 5th World Water Forum will issue a ministerial declaration when it concludes on March 22.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.