美國將重新啟動育加山核廢料傾倒場計畫 | 環境資訊中心



美國布希政府官員1日在參議院小組委員會接受質詢時表示,儘管長期以來在內華達州育加山興建核廢掩埋場的計畫因科學爭議而延宕時程,聯邦政府計畫仍持續進行該項計畫。能源部民用放射性廢料管理局代理局長哥蘭(Paul Golan)表示:「與暫時性貯存方案相較之下,育加山是一個更為安全及穩當的掩埋地點。」

U.S. Forges Ahead With Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump
WASHINGTON, DC, March 2, 2006 (ENS) By J.R. Pegg

The federal plan to bury nuclear waste in Nevada's Yucca Mountain will proceed despite a long list of delays and scientific controversies that have put the facility years behind schedule, Bush administration officials told a Senate panel on Wednesday. "Yucca Mountain is a good site," said Paul Golan, acting director of the Energy Department's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. "It is a safer and more secure location than the temporary storage options."