全亞洲僅存3200隻野外老虎 | 環境資訊中心



為了慶祝 2010年為虎年,尼泊爾政府宣布,將提萊弧狀地景(Terai Arc)區的巴蒂亞(Bardia)國家公園擴大900平方公里。這將增加野生虎的重要棲地範圍。




根據《瀕危物種國際貿易公約》秘書處資料顯示,在20世紀初,整個亞洲的老虎數量超過 10萬,而估計顯示,目前只有不到3500隻老虎存活在野外。




世界自然基金會俄羅斯分會主任契斯汀 (Chestin)指出,科學家們決定利用農曆和即將到來的虎年,以提升大眾保育東北虎的意識。該組織估計,俄羅斯的哈巴羅夫斯克(Khabarovsk)和濱海(Primorye)地區目前棲息著約 500隻東北虎。


Year of the Tiger Dawns With Just 3,200 Wild Tigers Left

KATHMANDU, Nepal, December 28, 2009 (ENS) -

To mark 2010 as Year of the Tiger, the government of Nepal has announced the expansion of Bardia National Park in the Terai Arc landscape by 900 square kilometers (347 square miles), which will increase critical habitat for wild tigers.

Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal says the government will establish a National Tiger Conservation Authority as well as a Wildlife Crime Control Committee.

"The solutions will be area specific, but the future of conservation will depend upon how we act now and how we make tiger conservation and overall biodiversity much more valuable to the livelihoods of local communities," the Prime Minister said.

Earlier this year, the first ever nationwide estimate of Nepal's tiger population revealed the presence of 121 breeding tigers in the wild within four protected areas of Nepal.

In the early 1900s, tigers roamed throughout Asia and numbered over 100,000, according to the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which points to current estimates indicating that less than 3,500 of these tigers remain in the wild.
Tigers are today primarily poached for their skins but almost every part of a tiger's body can be used for decorative or traditional medicinal purposes.

In order to ensure that these tiger numbers remain stable and start to increase, WWF and its partners called on the government of Nepal to increase anti-poaching activities and habitat protection.

Russia will host a tiger preservation summit in Vladivostok in 2010, according to the Russian branch of WWF.

Scientists decided to use Oriental calendar and the coming Year of the Tiger to promote public awareness of the situation with Amur tigers, said Igor Chestin, director of the Russian branch of WWF.

The conservation group estimates that Russia's Khabarovsk and Primorye regions are inhabited by 500 Amur tigers at present.

The Natural Resources Ministry will draft a tiger preservation program for the summit, which along with anti-poaching measures will urge for measures to stop cutting cedar forests, the natural habitat of tigers, and expand the territory of wildlife reserves.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.