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美國聯邦、州及地方領導人宣佈一項鉅資200億美元重整世界最大的大湖流域生態體系策略後,僅僅4個月時間,美國國會支持清理五大湖區(Great Lakes)提案的機會卻顯得渺茫。上星期連署人於參議院的聽證會上提出警告,大湖區逐漸惡化,但是委員會的共和黨主席表示,復育計畫並不完整、過於龐大並且經費太過昂貴。

Federal Funding for Great Lakes Restoration Uncertain
WASHINGTON, DC, March 21, 2006 (ENS)
Congressional support for the effort to clean up the Great Lakes appears to be sinking, four months after federal, state and local leaders announced a new $20 billion strategy for restoration of the world's largest fresh surface water ecosystem. Witnesses at a Senate hearing last week warned that the Great Lakes are deteriorating, but the committee's Republican chairman said the plan is incomplete, overly ambitious and too expensive.