「污染指紋」鑑定 墨灣海面下也有漏油漂浮 | 環境資訊中心

「污染指紋」鑑定 墨灣海面下也有漏油漂浮


英國石油於漏油油井口附近以遠端遙控設備現場即時轉播的擷取畫面美國海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)署長盧布琴科 (Jane Lubchenco)將英國石油漏油事件稱之為「一場人類悲劇與環境災難」,她並在6月8日證實,墨西哥灣某處的確存在著因漏油產生的低濃度原油漂浮在海面之下。

她表示已在部分海面下方的原油(subsurface oil)中發現到與英國石油溢漏的原油相符的「污染指紋」,但這些油並非全數來自英國石油「深水地平線號油井」的漏油。




「針對這些原油資料的比對,我們還沒做出結論。」生物海洋學家皮保斯(Ernst Peebles)說。皮保斯是南加州大學氣象鳥二號研究船(R/V Weatherbird II)上的首席科學調查員,他表示:「初步結果顯示出,至少在表面上有相似性。」





BP Fingerprints Found on Subsurface Oil in the Gulf
WASHINGTON, DC, June 8, 2010 (ENS)

Calling the BP oil spill "a human tragedy and an environmental disaster," Dr. Jane Lubchenco, administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration today confirmed the presence of low concentrations of subsurface oil from the spill in one location in the Gulf of Mexico.

She said "fingerprints" consistent with the BP oil spill were found on some of the subsurface oil, but not all of it is from BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Researchers from NOAA and from the University of South Florida sampled water at depths ranging from the surface to 3,300 feet and at locations 40 and 42 nautical miles northeast of the damaged Deepwater Horizon wellhead, and also at another sampling station at 142 nautical miles southeast of the wellhead.

"Our analysis of the presence of subsurface oil determined that the concentrations of oil are in the range of less than 0.5 parts per million," Lubchenco told reporters at a briefing in Washington, DC.

Along with the analysis of the concentrations, NOAA has also been fingerprinting the oil to determine if it is from the Deepwater Horizon spill or some other oil that may emerge from natural oil seeps on the seafloor.

"What we have found is that hydrocarbons in the surface samples taken 40 nautical miles northeast from the wellhead were indeed consistent with the BP's oil spill," Lubchenco said.

Hydrocarbons found in the samples 42 nautical miles northeast from the wellhead at the surface at 162 feet and 4,500 feet were in concentrations too low to do the actual fingerprinting, she said.

And hydrocarbons found in the samples 142 nautical miles southeast of the wellhead at 330 feet and 1,000 feet "were not consistent with the BP oil spill," Lubchenco said.

"We have not concluded our comparison of the oils," said biological oceanographer Ernst Peebles, University of South Florida's lead scientific investigator on the R/V Weatherbird II trip. "Preliminary results show similarities at least at the surface."

Several other NOAA research vessels either have just returned or will soon return from sampling and observation voyages and Lubchenco said NOAA would immediately share the results with the public as soon as they are in.

NOAA has deployed satellites in space, planes in the air, ships on the water, scientists on the ground and information online "so that the American people can see what we're doing and understand the answers that we are getting," the administrator said.

As part of its commitment to restore the environment and habitats in the Gulf Coast region, BP today announced that it will donate the net revenue from oil recovered from the Deepwater Horizon spill to create a new wildlife fund to create, restore, improve and protect wildlife habitat along the coastline of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

Creation of this fund is over and above the company's obligations under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.