瀕危黑猩猩 非洲國家拯救中 | 環境資訊中心

瀕危黑猩猩 非洲國家拯救中

摘譯自2010年6月22日 ENS 格朗,瑞士報導;洪美惠編譯;莫聞審校

圖片說明:在巢中的東部黑猩猩。圖片來源:Andrew Plumptre         位於東非和中非的國家以及世界上最大的保護組織已經制定了一項為期10年的保護行動計劃,以拯救數千隻瀕危東部黑猩猩。對於這些擁有98%人類基因的黑猩猩的威脅,主要是狩獵、捕捉小猩猩作寵物貿易、疾病和失去棲地。  

國際自然保育聯盟(IUCN)和野生生物保育協會(Wildlife Conservation Society )21日公佈行動計劃,計畫顯示16個保護區可以保護96%的已知族群,估計約有5萬隻。


IUCN 物種存續委員會委員麗詩威廉姆森博士說,「我們只知道東部黑猩猩的分佈及豐度,只有全世界族群的四分之一。」、「我們對於在剛果盆地的大猩猩所知甚少。」、「這個計畫確定了未來調查的關鍵區域。」   

東部黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)名列IUCN《瀕危物種紅皮書》名單。 牠們生活在中非共和國,剛果民主共和國、蘇丹、烏干達、盧安達、布隆迪、坦尚尼亞和尚比亞。由於高度開發、死亡、受傷、失去棲地,和因為人類活動而影響棲地品質,根據IUCN紅皮書, 估計這個亞種族群在過去 20到30年間已經明顯減少。

圖片說明:在烏干達的 Kalinzu 森林中的東方黑猩猩寶寶。圖片來源:Takeshi Furuichi

這個保育計畫是源自2009年8月在烏干達舉行的一個研討會。出席會議的科學家和專家,來自聯合國35個組織、保育團體以及其他8個有關黑猩猩保護區當局。「通過國際間、國家和地方的支持系統,以降低對東部黑猩猩的威脅。確保這個指標性族群能在所有國家長期生存,並代表全方位的生態和文化多樣性,並可能促進人類的福祉。 」他們的目標除了針對兩大威脅如非法捕獵和販賣之外,還包括減少損失黑猩猩棲息的森林。


African Nations Plan to Save Thousands of Endangered Chimpanzees
GLAND, Switzerland, June 22, 2010 (ENS)

The nations of East and Central Africa and some of the world's largest conservation organizations have developed a 10-year conservation action plan to save thousands of endangered eastern chimpanzees. The main threats to these animals, which share 98 percent of human genes, include hunting for bushmeat, capture of infants for the pet trade, disease and habitat loss.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, and the Wildlife Conservation Society Monday released the action plan. It shows that the conservation of 16 areas could conserve 96 percent of the known populations of eastern chimpanzees, estimated to be around 50,000 animals.

However, the total number could be as high as 200,000, almost double previous estimates, the conservation groups said.

"We know about the distribution and abundance of only a quarter of the world population of the eastern chimpanzee," says Dr. Liz Williamson, IUCN's Species Survival Commission Great Ape coordinator. 

"There are large areas of the Congo basin where we know very little about this ape," she said. "The plan identifies key areas for future surveys that are likely to be of importance for chimpanzees."

The eastern chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, is classified as Endangered on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. These animals live in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia.

Due to high levels of exploitation, death and injury, as well as loss of habitat and habitat quality as a result of expanding human activities, this subspecies is estimated to have experienced a significant population reduction in the past 20 to 30 years, according to the IUCN Red List.

The action plan to conserve this chimpanzee subspecies grew out of a workshop held August 2009 in Kampala, Uganda. It was attended by scientists and other experts from 35 organizations representing the United Nations, conservation groups, and protected area authorities for each of the eight range states where eastern chimpanzees live.

The vision statement in their action plan is broad. "Through international, national and local support, threats to eastern chimpanzees are minimized, ensuring the long-term survival of viable and functioning populations of this iconic species across all range states, representing the full range of ecological and cultural diversity and, where possible, contributing to human well-being."

In addition to targeting two of the greatest threats to the species, illegal hunting and trafficking, other objectives include reducing the rate of forest loss in chimpanzee habitats.

Scientists hope to increase knowledge of chimpanzee distribution, status, and threats; and improve the understanding of health risks to chimpanzee populations, including human-transmitted diseases.