7月28日的時候,一條安橋公司的30吋輸油管在馬歇爾爆裂,數百萬加崙的原油流入卡拉馬祖河的支流塔馬梅奇河(Talmadge Creek)。
洩漏的石油影響了卡拉馬祖河長達25英里的河道。洩漏處位於馬歇爾和巴特爾河(Battle Creek)之間,中間包括了沼澤、農田住宅與商業區。
環保署長傑克森(Lisa Jackson)說,「這是一個嚴重的漏油事件,很有可能損壞水道並且威脅公眾健康。環保署當地以及總部人員都在現場,以確保對洩漏石油的控制與清理能有效且迅速。」
密西根州長葛萊赫姆(Jennifer Granholm)在29日仍持續動員各方面的資源,以滿足防止油污擴散的需求。州長已要求美國海岸衛隊評估局勢並提供建議,以防止漏油污染繼續擴大。
Oil spill response workers said Thursday that they have stopped the spread of oil heading down the Kalamazoo River from a broken pipeline in southwest Michigan, but officials from various agencies differ on how far the oil has moved and whether or not the oil leak has, in fact, been stopped.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has assumed the role of Federal On-Scene Coordinator and EPA officials said Lake Michigan and drinking water sources for the city of Kalamazoo appear to be safe.
EPA has responsibility under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 for this spill because it happened inland, rather than offshore.
On Monday, a 30 inch pipeline belonging to Enbridge Inc. burst in Marshall, Michigan, releasing hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil into Talmadge Creek, a tributary of the Kalamazoo River.
The spill has affected up to 25 miles of the Kalamazoo River. The spill site, located between Marshall and Battle Creek, includes marshlands, residential areas, farmland and businesses.
Officials with Enbridge Energy Partners, said they had stanched the leak, but on Thursday afternoon a flow of oil could be seen beyond a containment dike moving into the Kalamazoo River.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said, "This is a serious spill that has the potential to damage a vital waterway and threatens public health. Staff from EPA's regional and headquarters office are on the scene and ensuring the leaked oil is contained and cleaned up as quickly and effectively as possible."
While the EPA says the oil leak has been stopped, the agency says over a million gallons of oil may have leaked into the river. The Kalamazoo River is a fast-moving river and EPA's focus right now is on preventing oil from the Enbridge spill from affecting sensitive shorelines and, ultimately, keeping the oil out of Lake Michigan.
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm today continued to push for sufficient resources to adequately address the oil spill. The governor has asked the U.S. Coast Guard to assess the situation and provide recommendations for stopping the advance of oil.
On Wednesday, EPA requested the U.S. Coast Guard make $2 million available to fund the federal government's operations in response to the spill. EPA can request additional funding if it determines more is needed. The federal government intends to seek full reimbursement for all money spent on this response from the responsible party, Enbridge, Inc.
Governor Granholm Tuesday declared a state of disaster in Calhoun County and potentially affected areas along the Kalamazoo River downstream of Talmadge Creek.
"Our focus is protecting Michigan citizens and our environment by providing any needed state resources to expediently address the situation," said Granholm. "Officials with several state agencies are actively engaged in this response effort and are working in concert with local and federal agencies to ensure that our response is timely and effective."
State agencies were on scene today meeting with local, state, federal, and private sector responders, and providing help to citizens and wildlife impacted by the spill. The state has activated a Joint Information Center to coordinate the dissemination of public information to the news media.
Michigan today launched a new website with response efforts and public information at:http://www.michigan.gov/oilspill.