保護美國瀕危貓頭鷹 法院判決修改布希時代的復育方案 | 環境資訊中心

保護美國瀕危貓頭鷹 法院判決修改布希時代的復育方案


在奧勒岡原始林中的北方斑點鴞。圖片來自:Umpqua 野生動物保育協會。美聯邦地方法院法官蘇利文(Emmet Sullivan)1日下令,要求美國魚類暨野生動物管理局(FWS)在9個月內,修改布希主政時期一項瀕危北方斑點鴞(northern spotted owl)復育計畫。管理局則回應表示,將於9月第二週內提出修訂草案。


此次的裁決中,法官蘇利文法官還下令修改「北班鴞重要棲地」的涵蓋範圍。因為在布希執政的最後一年,2008年,在華盛頓、奧勒岡以及加州北部的重要棲地面積削減了160萬英畝──這是由前助理國務卿麥克唐娜(Julie MacDonald)運用政治力介入所做的決定,而她已在2007年5月因為內政部監察長所發出的嚴厲糾舉報告而引咎辭職,該報告指出她在這當中濫權謀私。








Court Gives Northern Spotted Owl a Fresh Chance at Recovery
WASHINGTON, DC, September 2, 2010 (ENS)

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to revise a Bush administration recovery plan for the threatened northern spotted owl, and the agency said today it intends to release a draft of the revision next week.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled Wednesday that the Service must come up with a revised recovery plan within nine months.

The northern spotted owl is a medium-sized nocturnal bird that inhabits old-growth forests of western North America, including parts of northern California, the Pacific Northwest, and British Columbia.

The owl's conservation status and need for critical habitat in the Pacific Northwest has been contentious ever since the bird was listed as threatened 20 years ago because it nests in old growth forests prized by the timber industry.

Judge Sullivan also ordered revisions to the amount of land allowed to the owl as critical habitat. The area set aside for owl conservation had been cut in 2008 during the Bush administration by 1.6 million acres in Washington, Oregon and Northern California.

This decision was tainted by political influence by Former Deputy Assistant Secretary Julie MacDonald, who resigned in disgrace in May 2007 after a scathing report on her influence-peddling was issued by the Interior Department Inspector General.

MacDonald had jurisdiction over the Fish and Wildlife Service. The Inspector General's report noted the influence of MacDonald on 20 Endangered Species Act decisions and actions, including the recovery plan for the northern spotted owl.

The judge noted in his ruling that MacDonald was a member of an Oversight Committee that advised the northern spotted owl Recovery Team to (i) "put less focus on habitat preservation and to de-link the recovery plan from the Northwest Forest Plan"; (ii) "include a second alternative that did not rely on fixed habitat reserves"; and (iii) "minimize the threat to northern spotted owls from the loss of habitat and emphasize the threat cost to carry out those measures needed to achieve the plan's goal and to achieve intermediate steps toward that goal."

After reviewing records of MacDonald's activities and the Inspector General's report, the Obama administration in March 2009 voluntarily asked the federal court to send back the 2008 spotted owl recovery and habitat plans, after it determined they were "legally erroneous."

Judge Sullivan acknowledged in his ruling, "the federal defendants confess legal error as to the 2008 Critical Habitat Designation and the 2008 Recovery Plan..."

The Obama administration asked the court to order the Service, "after issuance of a revised recovery plan, to evaluate whether revision of the 1992 Critical Habitat Designation is appropriate, and if so, to complete rulemaking for a new critical habitat designation after issuance of a revised recovery plan."

The Service said Thursday it had already begun a revision of the recovery plan and intends to release a draft plan for public comment next week and finalize it later in the year.

The Obama administration had asked the court to vacate the 2008 critical habitat designation and revert to a 1992 plan that set aside 6.88 million acres, a lot larger area, for northern spotted owls. Judge Sullivan denied that request Wednesday, instead leaving the 2008 critical habitat designation in place while ordering its revision.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.