匈牙利紅色毒泥將流往多瑙河 生態恐遭劫難 | 環境資訊中心

匈牙利紅色毒泥將流往多瑙河 生態恐遭劫難



Kolontar 村莊房屋牆上的水漬痕跡,可以顯示當污泥洪流沖來時淹到多高。(圖片來源:WWF-Hungary)100萬立方米的污泥於4日下午淹沒 Devecser、Kolontár與Somlóvásárhelyn三個村鎮,起因為Ajkai Timfoldgyar工廠的廢棄物貯蓄池潰堤,該工廠隸屬於匈牙利馬札爾鋁業公司(MAL),位於布達佩斯西南方160公里處的阿賈克鎮(Ajka)。


Győr-Moson-Sopron縣國防主管機關首長Imre Szakács告訴國家通訊社(MTI),大量紅色泥漿目前位於Marcal河,它將會流入Raba河,接下來便會流到多瑙河,多瑙河位於北方125公里處。



WWF-Hungary代執行長Gabor Figeczky 6日在Kolontár說:「受汙染的水絕對會流過多瑙河,但會是以較低的濃度。而多瑙河是歐盟自然2000網絡計畫轄下廣大並相互相關的保護區之一。」



國防委員會首長Lasztovicza Jenő在5日晚上告訴記者,超過500名國家災難管理局人員,偕同軍人與製鋁公司的專家,正試圖阻止有毒污泥進入多瑙河的支流。Jenő表示,工人正把熟石膏與人造肥料倒入Marcal河,努力要讓污泥凝固。

匈牙利總理Viktor Orbán則於5日表示,這些有毒的外溢污泥並沒有輻射危險,他在回應民眾的憂慮時說明:「這個地區並沒有輻射的危險。」




內政部長Sándor Pintér告訴記者,製鋁公司保險缺少適當的保險,沒有涵蓋諸如此類的外溢事故,因而保險公司將不會根據公司合約支付賠償。







SiO2 (二氧化矽)佔10-15%


TiO2 (二氧化鈦)佔4-5%

Na2O soda(碳酸鈉)佔5-6%




Sludge Spill in Hungary Flows Toward Danube River
BUDAPEST, Hungary, October 6, 2010 (ENS)

A flood of red toxic sludge spilled by an aluminum plant in western Hungary has advanced along a secondary tributary to the Danube River and could reach the international waterway by the weekend, according to a local defense authority official.

One million cubic meters of sludge flooded the villages of Devecser, Kolontar and Somlovasarhely on Monday afternoon when a waste impoundment wall broke at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant owned by MAL Magyar Aluminium in the town of Ajka, 160 kilometers (100 miles) southwest of Budapest.

Four people lost their lives, six remain missing, 123 others were injured, and about 280 homes were flooded by the toxic sludge, which causes burns or blindness when in contact with skin or eyes. The spill now covers about 40 square kilometers (16 square miles), causing the Hungarian government to declare a state of emergency in three counties.

Imre Szakacs, head of Gyor-Moson-Sopron County's defense authority, told the state newswire MTI that the red sludgy mess is in the River Marcal which flows into the River Raba, which in turn flows into the Danube, 125 kilometers (75 miles) to the north.

Szakacs said the sludge would reach the Raba in a diluted condition and would cause "no ecological harm to the Danube."

Other observers are not so sure.

WWF-Hungary is warning that the environmental impacts of this spill could be longer lasting than the 2000 cyanide spill into the Danube basin from a Romanian gold mine.

Speaking from Kolontar today, Gabor Figeczky of WWF-Hungary said, "It is certain that the contaminated water would pass through the Danube, and with a smaller concentration, large and interconnected parts of Europe's Natura 2000 protected areas."

"This puts the conservation related damages very substantial, even at international scale," said Figeczky.

"We expect further damages to fauna and flora, as the materials used in rescue operations and to neutralize alkaline are toxic as well," he said. "Some animals and plants die instantly, some will face the consequences of serious poisoning in the longer term as the heavy metals from the red mud accumulate in their bodies, however there is still no information about the concentration of heavy metals in the red mud of this reservoir."

More than 500 personnel from the National Disaster Management Authority, as well as soldiers and experts from the aluminum company, are trying to stop the toxic sludge before it reaches the tributaries of the Danube, Jeno Lasztovicza, head of the defense committee, told reporters last night. He said workers are pouring plaster and artificial fertilizers into the Marcal River in an effort to bind the sludge.

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Tuesday that there is no danger of radiation from the toxic sludge spill. "There is no danger of radiation in the area," Orban said in response to public concern.

The cause of the spill is under investigation and Orban has ordered the interior minister to investigate the criminal as well as the financial aspects of the spill.

Orban said he suspects the spill is due to human error. "The way the situation stands now is that we have no information which leads us to believe that the disaster had natural causes," Orban said after a meeting of the Government Coordination Committee. "If a disaster has no natural causes, then we can believe that people are at fault."

Production has been suspended at MAL Zrt, and a decision on when it can go back online will be made on the weekend, Orban said. The company will not be shut down for a lengthy period, he said, because offline it could not generate the revenue it can use for paying compensation.

Interior Minister Sandor Pinter told reporters that MAL Zrt lacks adequate insurance coverage for such a spill, so the insurers will not make payments for damage claims based on the company's contract.

Pinter said the government will ensure that people affected by the spill have a roof over their heads for the winter and are properly cared for.

Figeczky said the flood survivors feel hopeless. "Locals try to save their belongings but many are bereft of hope," he said. "Most of them say they never want to move back to their previous homes."

"I have come from a house in which the red sludge is waist high. Everybody is wearing masks and gloves as they are shoveling the red sludge," Figeczky said. "The air is poisoned as well. It is very irritating to breath in."

In a statement today, the management of MAL expressed "deepest regrets" to all those affected by the spill.

Saying that the sludge is not classified as hazardous waste by the European Union, MAL gave the constituents of the material as:

Fe2O3 (iron oxide) 40-45 percent, this gives the red color of mud

Al2O3 (aluminium oxide) 10-15 percent

SiO2 (silicon dioxide) 10-15 percent

CaO (calcium oxide) 6-10 percent

Tio2 (titanium dioxide), 4-5 percent

Na2O soda with 5-6 percent

MAL said, "The company will mobilize all available means and every effort will be made jointly with the competent authorities to ensure that the effects of human tragedy - if at all possible - are mitigated."

But it is not just a human tragedy, says WWF's Figeczky. "Locals constantly collect the surviving animals, the red, opalescent eyed pets are being carried around in barrows, because their injuries unable them to move. The case is just as bad with the livestock too."

"The damage in the wildlife cannot even be appraised," he said. "Hunters are collecting dead and injured animals including deers, foxes, rabbits and wild boars."


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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.