根據非營利的環保團體「環境工作小組」於19日發表的報告指出,檢測美國35個城市的自來水,其中有31個城市的水中測出六價鉻(hexavalent chromium)。其中以奧克拉荷馬州諾曼市、夏威夷檀香山以及加州河濱市的濃度最高。
Tap water from 31 of 35 U.S. cities tested contains hexavalent chromium, or chromium-6, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group and revealed in a report Saturday. The highest levels were detected in Norman, Oklahoma; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Riverside, California.
The cancer-causing chemical is best known to the general public from the 2000 movie "Erin Brockovich," starring Julia Roberts.
The film dramatized the plight of the cancer-stricken residents of Hinkley, California, who in 1996 won a $333 million settlement from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. for contaminating their tap water with hexavalent chromium.
The Environmental Working Group says, "Despite mounting evidence of the contaminant's toxic effects, including a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency draft toxicological review that classifies it as 'likely to be carcinogenic to humans' when consumed in drinking water, the agency has not set a legal limit for chromium-6 in tap water and does not require water utilities to test for it."
Hexavalent chromium is discharged from steel and pulp mills as well as metal-plating and leather-tanning facilities. It can pollute water through erosion of soil and rock, the EWG report shows.
The National Toxicology Program has found that hexavalent chromium in drinking water shows clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in laboratory animals, increasing the risk of otherwise rare gastrointestinal tumors.
In response to this study and others, California officials last year proposed setting a public health goal for chromium-6 in drinking water of 0.06 parts per billion.
Levels of the carcinogen in 25 cities tested by Environmental Working Group were higher than California's proposed public health goal.
Tap water from Norman, Oklahoma, with a population of 90,000, contained more than 200 times California's proposed safe limit. Norman is home to the University of Oklahoma.
"At least 74 million Americans in 42 states drink chromium-polluted tap water, much of it likely in the form of cancer-causing hexavalent chromium," the Environmental Working Group says in its report. "Given the scope of exposure and the magnitude of the potential risk, the EPA should move expeditiously to establish a legal limit for the chemical in tap water and require water utilities to test for it."
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson met with 10 U.S. senators Wednesday to brief them on the issue of chromium-6 in drinking water as reported by the Environmental Working Group.
Jackson described EPA's current chromium-6 risk assessment, a review the agency started in 2008 in response to new science showing a link between chromium-6 ingestion and cancer.
This risk assessment, which would be the first step to updating the drinking water regulations, will be finalized after an independent scientific peer review in 2011.