「凍物園」研發幹細胞分化精卵 可望避免物種滅絕 | 環境資訊中心

「凍物園」研發幹細胞分化精卵 可望避免物種滅絕


遺傳學家萊德(Oliver Ryder)展示他的冷凍動物園所蒐集的標本。圖片來自:聖地牙哥動物園。美國加州斯克雷普斯研究所(Scripps Research Institute)的科學家們由瀕危物種的正常皮膚細胞作為起始點,首次替這些物種製造出幹細胞。他們表示,這些幹細胞也許可改善某些瀕危物種的生殖與遺傳學的多元性,甚至可能拯救他們免於遭受滅絕。幹細胞也可能改善圈養的瀕危物種健康狀態。



萊德博士是聖地牙哥動物園保育研究所所長,當在他與斯克雷普斯研究所的發展神經生物學教授蘿鈴(Jeanne Loring)博士進行聯繫,以便討論瀕危物種幹細胞的採集事宜時,他已經建立了「凍物園」(Frozen Zoo),當時他的「凍物園」裡儲存了超過800個物種的皮膚細胞與其他生物材料的貯存庫。



稱作「誘導式多功能」(induced pluripotency)的技術,是科學家藉由將基因植入正常細胞中,將正常細胞轉化為幹細胞的機制。


芝加哥林肯公園動物園的鬼狒。圖片節錄自:Thomas Kost相本。

第一個物種是靈長類動物,俗稱鬼狒(drill)或灰狒狒(Mandrillus leucophaeus),鬼狒是一種與狒狒跟西非大猴(mandrill)血緣相近的猴子。鬼狒因雨林棲息地受到砍伐而迫離家園,是非洲最嚴重瀕絕哺乳動物之一。

在野外,鬼狒只能在奈及利亞的十字河州(Cross River State)、喀麥隆(Cameroon)、西非比奧柯島(Bioko Island),以及赤道幾內亞的部分區域發現。


聖地牙哥動物園野生公園中的北非白犀牛。圖片來自:聖地牙哥動物園。北非白犀牛(Ceratotherium simum cottoni)則是第二順位。萊德選擇它的原因是因為北非白犀牛跟靈長類動物遺傳基因差距大,而且它是全球最嚴重瀕絕的動物之一。目前全球僅剩下7隻,全部都受到圈養,其中兩隻在聖地牙哥動物園野生公園裡。














這篇研究論文在2011年9月4日於「自然方法」(Nature Methods)期刊中發表。

Stem Cells of Endangered Species Could Stave Off Extinction
LA JOLLA, California, September 7, 2011 (ENS)

Starting with normal skin cells from endangered species, scientists with The Scripps Research Institute have for the first time produced stem cells from these species. They say such cells could improve reproduction and genetic diversity for some endangered species, possibly saving them from extinction. Stem cells also could improve the health of endangered animals in captivity.

Stem cells have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In many tissues they serve as an internal repair system, dividing without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive.

When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, a brain cell, an egg or a sperm.

Oliver Ryder, PhD, the director of genetics at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, had already established the Frozen Zoo, a bank of skin cells and other materials from more than 800 species when he contacted Jeanne Loring, PhD, professor of developmental neurobiology at Scripps Research to discuss collecting stem cells from endangered species.

Dr. Ryder thought stem cells from endangered species might enable lifesaving medical therapies or offer the potential to preserve or expand genetic diversity by offering new reproduction possibilities.

When Loring's team met with Ryder in early 2008, they realized that a new technique that turns normal adult cells into stem cells might work for endangered species.

Called "induced pluripotency," the technique works when scientists insert genes into normal cells that transform them into stem cells.

Ryder suggested two species to begin the work.

The first is a primate called a drill, Mandrillus leucophaeus, a monkey closely related to the baboons and to the mandrill. Displaced by logging of their rainforest habitat, drills are among Africa's most endangered mammals.

In the wild, drills are found only in Cross River State in Nigeria, in southwestern Cameroon and on Bioko Island, part of Equatorial Guinea.

Ryder chose the drill because of its close genetic connection to humans, and because in captivity the animals often suffer from diabetes, which researchers are working to treat in humans using stem cell-based therapies.

The northern white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum cottoni, was the second candidate. Ryder chose this animal because it is genetically far removed from primates, and because it is one of the most endangered species on the planet. There are only seven animals still in existence, all in captivity. Two of them reside at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

The northern white rhino formerly ranged across northwestern Uganda, southern Chad, southern South Sudan, the eastern part of Central African Republic, and northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poachers reduced their population from 500 to 15 in the 1970s and 1980s. The last surviving wild northern white rhinos were located in the DRC's Garamba National Park. Their planned relocation in 2005 to a wildlife sanctuary in Kenya did not occur because the animals were killed by poachers.

"The best way to manage extinctions is to preserve species and their habitats," said Ryder, "but that's not working all the time."

"Stem cell technology provides some level of hope that they won't have to become extinct even though they've been completely eliminated from their habitats," said Ryder. "I think that if humankind wants to save this species, we're going to have to develop new methodologies."

One of the greatest concerns with small populations such as the northern white rhino is that even if they do reproduce, which has not happened in many years, their genetic diversity is inevitably low, and such inbreeding leads to unhealthy animals.

After a year of trial and error in the lab, the researchers found that the same genes that induce pluripotency in humans also work for the drill and the rhino, and they have the start of a new zoo - the stem cell zoo.

Researchers now are moving toward inducing stem cells to differentiate into sperm or egg cells.

With that accomplished, one possibility is that scientists could take skin cells in the Frozen Zoo from long dead animals, change normal skin cells into stem cells, trigger differentiation into sperm cells, and then combine these with a living animal's eggs through in vitro fertilization.

Genetic diversity would then be reintroduced into the population, making it healthier, larger and more robust.

Or, the scientists say, both eggs and sperm might be produced from the stem cells, with the resulting embryos implanted in live animals, a process that current research suggests could be much more reliable than existing cloning techniques.

Loring said the research team hopes to produce stem cells from other endangered species to expand their stem cell zoo.

For now, they're working to secure funding for this unconventional line of research.

Other scientists are exploring the possibility of producing sperm and eggs from stem cells as a potential solution to human infertility. Loring hopes that some of these researchers might consider initial technique development using stem cells from endangered species.

"I think that work would be a lot easier ethically with endangered species than with humans," she said, "so I suspect some people working in this area would love to have our cells for experiments."

The research appears in an advance online edition of the journal "Nature Methods" dated September 4, 2011.