聯合國領袖聚集 專注解決乾旱問題 | 環境資訊中心

聯合國領袖聚集 專注解決乾旱問題


聯合國兒童基金會計畫(UNICEF)的一處家庭菜園,位於阿爾及利亞西南部廷杜夫地區的薩拉威難民營。圖片節錄自:Willem Vancotthem 相本。聯合國一場高層會議在20日結束,該會議的旨在防止全球乾旱地區進一步沙漠化,在全球氣候變遷的同時採取創新的策略,而會議中也討論了消除貧窮的問題。




聯合國大會主席,卡達的納賽爾(Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser)對沙漠化有很深的體會,他的國家位在阿拉伯半島海岸,低漥且覆滿貧瘠的沙土,蘊藏有大量的石油與天然氣。



乾旱的非洲之角(Horn of Africa)的居民,現在正面臨全球最嚴重的糧食危機,吉布提、衣索比亞、肯亞、索馬利亞的1300萬人迫切需要人道援助。



查德湖(Lake Chad)的乾旱造成了食物與飲水缺乏以及遷徙問題,並產生矛盾衝突。圖片節錄自: Sunday Adah相本。聯合國官員說,全球人口預計在2050年達到90億人,預計目前糧食的產量要增加70%才足以應付。




西非國家貝寧(Benin)的UNCCD執行秘書Luc Gnacadja在20日的會議中說,這是該協定1996年生效以來,其核心議題首次被排定在如此高層的會議之中。

Gnacadja 說,「希望作為地球領導人的眾人們採取政策措施,在我們對土地資源的利用上產生典範的移轉,」「土地退化是發生在世界各地的。」


UN Leaders Focus on Preventing the Spread of Deserts
NEW YORK, New York, September 20, 2011 (ENS)

A high-level meeting at the United Nations today concluded that preventing the world's drylands from turning into deserts will take innovative strategies and must be done at the same time as climate change and poverty eradication are addressed.

"Drought and land degradation must therefore move to the center of policy development," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the meeting, one of several high-level events taking place this week on the margins of the opening session of the UN General Assembly.

"The world's drylands are too often an investment desert - seen by governments and the international community as a lost cause. Nothing could be further from the truth," said Ban. He emphasized that drylands hold the potential to drive national economic growth and sustainable human development.

"By refocusing our development agenda to include the potential of drylands, we can break the links between poverty and desertification, drought and land degradation," said Ban.

President of the UN General Assembly, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser of Qatar, understands desertification very well, as his own country consists of a low, sandy barren plain on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula, overlying enormous oil and natural gas reserves.

"Effectively addressing desertification and land degradation can only be done in the context of other major global challenges, such as climate change, poverty eradication, food security, deforestation and biodiversity loss," he said.

Two billion people, nearly a third of the world's population, live in these arid lands, which occupy more than 40 percent of Earth's land area. They are world's poorest and most vulnerable to hunger.

Residents in the arid the Horn of Africa currently are experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. More than 13 million people in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

Each year, more than 12 million hectares of productive land are lost due to spreading deserts, according to the Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

While productive land becomes scarcer, greater food production is needed to meet a growing global population that is expected to hit seven billion later this year.

Providing food for the nine billion people predicted to live on Earth in 2050 is estimated to require a 70 percent increase in global food production from today's level, UN officials say.

New estimates from the Population Division of the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs project that the population will reach 10.1 billion by 2100.

Still, "Drought does not have to become famine," Ban said. "Too often the international community reacts too late. Too often decisions are taken based on false economies. In the end, we count the cost not just in human lives but in the extra expense of responding to crises that could have been averted for a fraction of the price."

Established in 1994, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification is the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment, development and the promotion of healthy soils. The convention's 194 government parties work to alleviate poverty in the drylands, maintain and restore the land's productivity and mitigate the effects of drought.

UNCCD Executive Secretary Luc Gnacadja of the West African country of Benin told today's meeting this is the first time that the convention's core issues have been addressed by such a high-level political gathering since its entry into force in 1996.

"I urge you as the leaders of our planet to take policy measures which will lead to a paradigm shift in the way we manage our land resources," said Gnacadja. "Land degradation is happening everywhere in the world."

By holding this meeting, General Assembly is calling on Member States, particularly the donor community and the United Nations System, to address the needs of drylands inhabitants by making investments that will contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.