愛環境喊假的!緬甸不蓋水壩 卻為金礦趕住民 | 環境資訊中心

愛環境喊假的!緬甸不蓋水壩 卻為金礦趕住民


Tang Hpre 村附近的開挖地點。(KDNG /提供)緬甸總統宣布因「人民意志」而暫停伊洛瓦底江上密松水壩(Myitsone dam)開發案,但短短五天之後,地方政府驅逐了當地民眾,以在水壩原址進行一項由政府主導的金礦開採計畫。

9月30日,緬甸總統吳登盛(Thein Sein)宣布,在他任內會暫停密松水壩的興建。這座水壩由中國電力投資集團興建,為中國提供電力。

克欽發展網絡組織(KDNG)10月5日取得了一份由密之那縣發出的命令,內容要求Tang Hpre村內所有的居民、私人礦工以及店東在五日內遷移,否則將「依照現行法令開罰」。

Tang Hpre村位於伊洛瓦底江源頭,在克欽邦 N'mai 以及 Mali 河匯流之處。這兩條河都源自緬甸北部與中國交界的喜馬拉雅冰川。伊洛瓦底江向南流入印度洋,形成了伊洛瓦底江三角洲。


位在Tang Hpre水壩旁的佛像,遠處是伊洛瓦底江。(Rebecca W./攝)克欽發展網絡組織的Ah Nan表示,「政府一方面說喜愛伊洛瓦底江,但另一方面卻在源頭毒害她」。



Myanmar Replaces Myitsone Dam Construction With Gold Mining
NAYPYIDAW, Myanmar (Burma), October 21, 2011 (ENS)

Just five days after Myanmar President Thein Sein announced the suspension of the Irrawaddy Myitsone dam construction due to the "will of the people," local authorities ordered residents evicted to make way for a government-led gold mining operation at the dam site.
On September 30, President Sein told Parliament in a letter that he will suspend construction on the Myitsone Dam for the duration of his presidency. The dam was being constructed by China Power Investment to generate power for China.

The Kachin Development Networking Group has obtained an order issued by the Myitkyina Township office on October 5, which demands that all residents, private miners, and shopkeepers in Tang Hpre village move out within five days or face "punishment in accordance with existing laws."

Tang Hpre village is located where the Irrawaddy River arises, at the confluence of the N'mai and Mali rivers in Kachin State. Both of these rivers flow from the Himalayan glaciers of northern Myanmar on its northeastern border with China. The river flows south and empties into the Indian Ocean, creating the Irrawaddy Delta.

"Unregulated gold mining, often using mercury and cyanide, has been ravaging lands and rivers across Kachin State for several years, causing erosion, alteration of river flows, and toxic pollution," said the Kachin Development Networking Group in a statement today.

"On the one hand the government says it loves the Irrawaddy but on the other hand they're poisoning the river at its source," said Ah Nan from Kachin Development Networking Group.

After the dam plans were announced in 2006, mining and logging concessions were granted in order to clear the dam site. Large-scale gold mining at the site began in 2010, leaving toxic mercury and cyanide that are used in the mining process to be dumped without regulation into the rivers.

The Kachin Development Networking Group warns that the Myitsone dam may go ahead anyway. There is "no evidence on the ground that the dam project has indeed been suspended," the KDNG said in a statement October 17.

For earlier ENS coverage of the Myitsone dam controversy, see: Burmese President Halts Chinese Dam at Irrawaddy Headwaters

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.