加拿大為冬奧運復育斑點梟 遭批為表面功夫 | 環境資訊中心

加拿大為冬奧運復育斑點梟 遭批為表面功夫


加拿大卑詩省農業及土地部部長貝爾29日宣佈,卑詩省政府未來5年將耗資數百萬加幣,復育該省境內瀕臨絕種的斑點梟(spotted owl)。但環保團體卻認為,多年來政府一直將他們提出的斑點梟滅絕警訊當成耳邊風,而現在提出的復育計劃,其實只是為了讓卑詩省在2010年舉辦冬季奧運時,看起來更體面的裝飾品而已。

卑詩省府表示,這項保育計畫內容牽涉到人工繁殖和野放斑點梟,將牠們遷移到新棲息地,增加食物來源以及管理其他如橫斑林梟(barred owl)等相互競爭的物種。







2010 Winter Olympics Prompt B.C. Plan to Recover Spotted Owl
VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada, May 1, 2006 (ENS)

The British Columbia government will implement a multi-million dollar, five year plan to recover the province's critically endangered northern spotted owl, Agriculture and Lands Minister Pat Bell announced Friday. Environmental groups, whose warnings about spotted owl extinction have fallen on deaf government ears for years, say the plan is just window dressing to make B.C. look good for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

Under the plan, the government says it will engage in captive breeding and release of spotted owls, moving owls to new locations, increasing food sources for owls, and managing competing species such as barred owls.

But logging in the old growth forests that provide spotted owl habitat will not stop. The B.C. government, through its Timber Sales Program, will continue as the largest logger of owl habitat, the conservation groups point out. Environmental groups condemned the government's plan, pointing out that it ends just after the 2010 Olympics.

The venues for the 2010 Olympics stretch over a 120 kilometer zone from Richmond, south of Vancouver, to the snowy peaks of Whistler mountain resort, an area that includes owl habitat.
"Given the B.C. government plan ends just after the Olympics, this is a plan to fool the public and the international community, not to save the spotted owl," said Candace Batycki of ForestEthics. "This announcement is a blueprint for extinction not a recovery plan. If the B.C. government was serious about saving the owl it would protect enough habitat to recover the species."

 Conservationists are calling for an end to old-growth logging within the Canadian range of the owl. "The B.C. government is choosing extinction of the spotted owl over recovery," said Joe Foy, campaign director for the Western Canada Wilderness Committee. "Captive breeding without adequate habitat protection means young owls will be released into a landscape that cannot support them and that is just bad science."

In 2005, B.C. government biologists found only six pairs of owls, an 84 percent decline in less than a decade. Scientists believe that before industrial logging, 500 pairs of spotted owls lived in southwestern British Columbia, the only place in Canada where they are found. The main threat to the declining spotted owl population is logging of its old growth forest habitat, the environmental groups maintain.

But the British Columbia Agriculture and Lands Minister Pat Bell, who represents a northern district with an economy based on logging, owned a trucking company and co-owned a logging company before he won a seat in the provincial legislature in 2001, blames a competing species of owl, rather than logging, for the decline of Canada's only population of northern spotted owls.