八大工業國衛生首長 聯手抵抗禽流感 | 環境資訊中心

八大工業國衛生首長 聯手抵抗禽流感


世衛秘書長李鍾郁 聯合國世衛組織總幹事在將於7月舉辦的G8高峰會前夕,對八大工業國之衛生部長發出警訊:為預防禽流感演變成全球性疫情,在擬定防治計畫時絕對不能漏掉國際社會中的任何一個國家。以往在G8高峰會舉辦之前,通常八大工業國之財政、能源及外交部長先行舉行部長級籌備會議,而今年4月28日在莫斯科的預備會議,則是首次的衛生部長會議。

G8 Health Ministers Array Their Forces for Bird Flu Battle
GENEVA, Switzerland, May 2, 2006 (ENS)
In planning to confront a potential global bird flu pandemic, the international community must leave no nation out, the head of the UN health agency warned the health ministers of the world' eight leading industrial countries ahead of the G8 Summit in July. While G8 finance, energy, and foreign ministers usually meet in preparation for a summit, the Moscow meeting Friday was the first time health ministers have met in advance.