俄羅斯高加索世界遺產 將開發滑雪場 | 環境資訊中心

俄羅斯高加索世界遺產 將開發滑雪場




非營利組織北高加索環境看守組織的Suren Gazaryan說,「俄羅斯自然資源與環境部近日提出了一份清單給俄羅斯政府,列出目前可以興建人工設施的自然保留區。」


Gazaryan 說,「而且建設的滑雪纜車與坡道以及道路和工程建設等,將會位在Kavkazsky 和 Teberdinsky 兩處俄羅斯高加索地區的自然保留區內。」

西高加索區自然遺產內的熊,2010年10月。(Maria Kaplina攝影,教科文組織提供)西高加索區於1999年列入聯合文教科文組織的世界遺產名錄內,被稱之為「具有高度地質學、生態系以及物種多樣性。是全球性的植物多樣性中心...,是整個歐洲內廣大未受干擾的高山森林。」




西高加索區世界遺產的 Lagonaki 高原,2007年5月。(Schutze Hans 攝)滑雪道的計畫總長度將超過1000公里,會有214處滑雪纜車,旅館的容量可達8.3萬人。北高加索渡假村估計,在滑雪季期間每天將有150500人到訪,北高加索區每年將有500至1000萬名遊客。這項計畫將為該區提供33萬個就業機會。



西高加索世界遺產的 Oshten 山。(Fisht-Oshten Expeditions 提供)教科文組織表示,「2008年以前,這個區域沒有道路通過,但為了發展觀光以及保護黑海出海口,Adygheyan 有關當局修築道路由 Maikop 至 Dagomys 海岸,穿越了保留區。Fisht-Oshtenskiy 斷層帶一般認為這裡是高加索地區生物多樣性的中心,這條道路將會截斷鹿以及熊的遷徙路徑。這裡從來沒有進行過環境影響評估,當地保育學者也從未被正式徵詢。」






高加索山的 Lagonaki  高原,2006年8月。(Alisa Lyubov 攝)俄羅斯世界自然基金會主席 Igor Chestin 說,「我們設法找到了在生物圈範圍內,容許環境發展的方法,這是首要目標,但這並不意味著就要像先前的法案一樣造成傷害。」

但是去年12月時,北高加索度假村公司要求,高加索聯邦保留區「應使 Lagonaki 生物圈保留區與阿迪格共和國特別經濟區的計畫相配合。」

「自2010年以來,這公司的胃口越來越大,根據北高加索環境看守組織所取得的新計畫,發展所造成的衝擊將更勝以往,」Gazaryan 說道,「保留區內有更多的滑雪覽車與坡道,而且這項新計畫的破壞力更大。」

Gazaryan 說,「這個計畫表明,俄羅斯當局無意遵守教科文組織的建議,放棄開發Lagonaki高原。」


Russia Allows Ski Resort in Caucasus World Heritage Site
KRASNODAR, Russia, February 3, 2012 (ENS)

The Russian government is preparing to allow construction of a cluster of ski resorts and roads in the Caucasus region that will alter one of Europe's few untouched mountain wilderness areas. The development is expected to impact two biosphere nature reserves, two national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and a World Heritage Site.

Previously, the construction of tourist infrastructure in protected areas has been either illegal or restricted by Russian federal environmental laws.

"Russian nature resources and environment ministry recently gave the Russian government a list of construction projects currently allowed to be placed in nature reserves," says Suren Gazaryan of the nonprofit Environmental Watch on North Caucasus.

Gazaryan expects that a decree formally authorizing this list will soon be signed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. By doing so, Putin will be signing "a death warrant" for Russia's Western Caucasus World Heritage Site, said the conservationist.

Also, "This will allow construction of ski lifts and slopes, as well as road and engineering infrastructure, to be built on the territory of two biosphere nature reserves, Kavkazsky and Teberdinsky, in the Russian Caucasus," Gazaryan says.

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999, the Western Caucasus site has what the UN agency calls "a remarkable diversity of geology, ecosystems and species. It is of global significance as a centre of plant diversity ... containing extensive tracts of undisturbed mountain forests unique on the European scale."

UNESCO says that to date the site is one of the few large mountain areas of Europe that has not experienced significant human impact. But, says the agency, "Construction of more than 250 facilities for the 2014 Winter Olympics is heavily impinging on the site and region."

The ski resort project has been named Altitude 5642, for the height of Elbrus, the highest mountain in the Caucasus. The developer's goal is to host the first visitors by 2014.

Project Altitude 5642 developer, North Caucasus Resorts, plans five mountain ski resorts:

The planned total length of ski runs will be more then 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) and they will have 214 ski lifts. The hotels will accommodate 83,000 people. North Caucasus Resorts calculates that 150,500 people will visit the resorts each day during ski season, and each year the North Caucasus tourist cluster will be visited by five to 10 million tourists. The project is estimated to bring over 330,000 jobs to the region.

The total cost of the ski project is estimated at 451 billion rubles (US$15 billion). The project is financed by a public-private partnership. Government plans to invest via NCR 60 billion rubles (US$2 billion) in transport and utilities infrastructure, while private business is financing the facilities of resort infrastructure, according to North Caucasus Resorts.

North Caucasus Resorts has denied on several occasions that construction will impact nature reserves. "Unfortunately," says Gazaryan, "these were empty promises."

UNESCO says that, "There were until 2008 no roads in the area, but to promote tourism and secure an outlet on the Black Sea, the Adygheyan authorities are to construct a road across the Reserve from Maikop to the coast at Dagomys which will cross the Fisht-Oshtenskiy Massif, the area generally held to be the genetic centre of Caucasian biodiversity, and will cut deer and bear migration routes. No environmental impact assessment was made and local conservationists were not officially consulted."

Instead of planning the resorts outside of protected areas to make these structures legal, Russian authorities changed the legislation governing protected areas.

The Russian parliament, dominated by the United Russia party, ensured that amendments to the current law on protection of nature reserves make it possible to build in biosphere reserves, passing them on November 2, 2011.

"Northern Caucasus Resorts said in a statement that "the legislation that as far as possible ensures conservation of the reserved areas and at the same time provides conditions for the effective development of the touristic zones."

The company said changes to the law "were coordinated with environmentalists" after an earlier version of the bill was opposed by a coalition of 37 nongovernmental organizations, who sent an appeal to President Dmitry Medvedev against that version of the draft law.

Negotiations last October that included environmentalists produced an acceptable version. "The new version of amendments accords with most of the claims of environmentalists," WWF Russia said in a statement in November.

"We managed to find formulations that allow the development of environmental management in the biosphere ranges - that is their primary goal, but it does not entail damaging effects as the previous bill," said Igor Chestin, director of WWF-Russia.

But in December, North Caucasus Resorts Company demanded that the Caucasus federal reserve "ensure that the Lagonaki Biosphere Reserve is in accordance with plans for the special economic zone in the Adygea Republic."

"Appetites of the company clearly grown since summer of 2010, as the new plans, which are now available to Environmental Watch on North Caucasus, show that development will impact wild nature even more than before," says Gazaryan. "There are more ski lifts and slopes inside the reserve, and the new project is even more destructive."

Gazaryan said, "The plans are a clear signal that the Russian government does not intend to follow UNESCO's recommendations to abandon development plans on the Lagonaki plateau."

Greenpeace says the new law and accompanying executive decree governing construction in protected areas, "will have a huge negative impact on more than 40 biosphere reserves and other protected areas throughout Russia."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.