溫室氣體盤查登錄法制比較:查驗機構的地位及倫理規範 | 環境資訊中心



圖片節錄自路透社,Sheng Li攝。




至於查驗機構的公正性,行政院環境保護署就其利益迴避之要求,係由「溫室氣體查驗指引」為例示說明:1.查驗機構或人員曾參與該查驗案件之相關事宜,包含簽訂合作協議、提供仲介或顧問服務。或; 2.查驗機構或人員在過去3年間,曾輔導該事業執行溫室氣體排放量盤查、或協助建制溫室氣體管理系統。或;3.查驗人員過去3年內曾受聘於該事業。或; 4.查驗人員於該查驗案件結案後 1 年內,受聘於該事業並擔任有給職之職位。或; 5.查驗機構或人員與該事業之間有確/查證行為以外的密切商業利益關係。



1. 涉及查驗資格存廢應規定應由法規命令為之


2. 「密切商業利益」「情節嚴重者」等不確定法律概念有待進一步釐清


3. 查驗人員之違法行為與查驗機構之連帶責任歸屬不明



相較於我國溫室氣體盤查採強制查驗的立法體制,澳國申報程序的設定上,「國家溫室氣體及能源申報法」亦就查驗機構訂定設立條件,但不強求盤查必須經過查驗機構查證。然而,政府依該法Section 731基於合理懷疑,仍得向控制公司指定特定查證機構重新進行盤查。就查驗機構的管理上,澳國政府所制定之「國家溫室氣體及能源申報管制規則」(National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations)不但設有下列的管制措施,並得將違規的查驗機構停權六個月2並於未仍改善之情形得予以撤銷設立3


相較於我國對於查驗機構之行政調查,因未經法律授權,可能必須由環保署親自為之的情形,為確保查驗機構得忠實履行其職責,於溫室氣體及能源查驗工作完成後五年內4,澳國的「溫室氣體及能源資料室」(Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer)得指定其所屬公務人員或其他經設立之查驗機構,或是其他學養與查驗機構相當之人士對特定查驗機構進行調查。並且調查人員得審閱被調查機構據以支持其查驗報告的相關文件,被調查機構必須提供其合理協助5









1.Section 11 provides:
(1)This section applies if the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a registered corporation has contravened, is contravening, or is proposing to contravene, this Act or the regulations.
(2) The Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer may, by written notice given to the corporation, require the corporation to:
(a) appoint:
(i) an external auditor of its choice; or
(ii) if the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer specifies an external auditor in the notice—that external auditor; and
(b) arrange for the external auditor to carry out an external audit on one or more aspects of the corporation’s compliance with this Act or the regulations…"

2.Regulation 6.29 provides:"The Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer may suspend the registration of a registered greenhouse and energy auditor under regulation 6.30 if the auditor has:…”

3.Regulation 6.33 provides:”A registered greenhouse and energy auditor may be deregistered by the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer:
(a) under regulation 6.35 or regulation 6.36; or
(b) if requested by the auditor — under regulation 6.37.”

4.Regulation 6.42(1) provides:”A person undertaking an inspection under this Subdivision (the inspector) must act independently in relation to a registered greenhouse and energy auditor (the auditor) whose performance is being inspected under this Subdivision.”; Regulation 6.39(2) provides:”The inspection may be conducted up to 5 years after the completion of the audit.”

5.  Regulation 6.44 provides:”A registered greenhouse and energy auditor who receives a notice under this Subdivision must provide all reasonable facilities and assistance to the person undertaking the inspection for an effective inspection.”

6.Regulation 6.46(1) provides:”A registered greenhouse and energy auditor must abide by the principles set out in:
(a)subregulations (2) to (7) — while preparing for, carrying out, or assisting in carrying out, a greenhouse and energy audit or a CFI audit and in preparing audit reports; and
(b)subregulations (8) and (9) — when the auditor is engaged in marketing or self-promotion as a registered greenhouse and energy auditor; and
(c)subregulation (10) — in relation to other audit team members if the auditor is an audit team leader; and
(d)subregulation (11) — in other situations not specifically mentioned above.”

7.Regulation 6.47(3) provides:” If:
(a)the audit team leader is carrying out the audit; and
(b)a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited body while the audit team leader is the audit team leader for the audit; and
(c)the conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audit team leader; and
(d)on a particular day (the start day) the audit team leader becomes aware that the conflict of interest situation exists; and
(e)at the end of the period of 21 days from the start day the conflict of interest situation remains in existence;then the audit team leader must cease to be the audit team leader within 7 days after the end of that period and notify the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer and the audited body in writing accordingly.”

8.Regulation 6.54(1)(2) provides: "
(1)This subregulation applies if:
(a)The audit team leader is carrying out a greenhouse and energy audit or a CFI audit; and
(b)a relevant item of the table in subregulation 6.56 (2) applies to a person covered by item 3 or 5 of the table in regulation 6.55 while the audit team leader is carrying out the audit as audit team leader; and
(2) The audit team leader must, before the end of the period of 21 days after the start day, apply under regulation 6.71 for an exemption from the requirements of this Subdivision for the circumstances."

9.Regulation 6.58(a)(b)(c) provides:” A registered greenhouse and energy auditor must not be the audit team leader for a greenhouse and energy audit or a CFI audit at a particular time if, within 2 years prior to that time, the auditor has worked with the audited body:
(a)to develop monitoring methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions or energy for the audited body; or
(b)undertaking appraisals of greenhouse gas liabilities or assets of the audited body; or
(c)to provide technical assistance to the audited body to develop monitoring methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions or energy for the audited body;...”;
Regulation 6.59(3) provides:” Between each set of 5 consecutive greenhouse and energy audits, there must be at least 2 successive greenhouse and energy audits carried out in relation to the audited body for which the audit team leader was not the audit team leader.”

10.Regulation 6.60(1) provides:” The audit team leader in relation to a greenhouse and energy audit or a CFI audit must have indemnity insurance that complies with the requirements of this regulation while preparing for and undertaking the audit and in preparing the report on the audit.