22日在南非東開普所舉行的「國際生物多樣性日會議」上,南非環境暨旅遊部部長史寇威克(Marthinus Van Schalkwyk)於演講中表示:「南非政府將把生物多樣性的各項考量整合道農業、林業和礦業發展中。也將把生物多樣性的優先性納入指導原則與工作守則,以降低對生物多樣性的負面衝擊,同時也會鼓勵永續生產的各種應用。」
歐洲執委會委員迪瑪斯(Stavros Dimas)表示:「動植物的滅絕對人類而言是無法回覆的損失。我們得投資維持生命的多樣化,維持生態系統的健康。其實生態系統反過來才是支撐人類繁榮與福祉的根本。我們知道該做哪些事。到2010年之前要停止生物多樣性流失的訊息文件,將協助我們把所有角色和資源都集合在一起,因此我們才能達到該承擔的義務。」
巴西政府則公布一份不能做為專利或商標的巴西動植物清單。這份清單將送達全世界的專利權單位,以免發生商人剽竊(biopiracy)巴西生物多樣性資源的專利或商標權、卻還可獲得主管單位核准的情況──例如之前所發生的古布亞蘇(cupuaçu)事件。(編註:古布亞蘇為巴西亞馬遜地區一種水果名,卻被一家日商Asahi Foods拿來申請作商標,不過其商標權日前已遭東京專利局撤銷。)
聯合國生物多樣性會議執行秘書朱格拉夫(Ahmed Djoghlaf)呼籲盡快實施能各國際公約中各項互相支援的工作計畫──包含生物多樣性公約、防治荒漠化公約,以及氣候變化綱要公約,做為「解決之道,以處理荒漠化根本原因,以及減緩因旱地生態系統惡化而日漸上升的飢荒和疾病危機。」
From political leaders to activists to schoolchildren, the world is taking action today - International Biodiversity Day - to conserve the diversity of life on Earth. The focus this year is on protecting the diversity of life in drylands, in keeping with the UN designation of 2006 as the International Year of Deserts and Desertification. The governments of South Africa, Brazil and the European Union among others, announced conservation action plans.
South African Environment and Tourism Minister Marthinus Van Schalkwyk said in a speech today at the International Biodiversity Day Conference in the Eastern Cape that the government would integrate biodiversity considerations into the agricultural, forestry and mining industries. Biodiversity priorities will be included in guidelines and best practice codes to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity, and sustainable production practices will be encouraged.
The European Commission today adopted a Communication which sets out an ambitious policy approach to halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010.
"The extinction of plants and animals is an irreversible loss to humanity," said Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. "We need to be investing in sustaining the variety of life, in sustaining the health of the ecosystems that in turn underpin our prosperity and well being. We know what needs to be done. The Communication on halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 will help us pull all the actors and resources together so that we meet our commitments."
The government of Brazil publicized a list of Brazilian plants and animals that may not be patented or trademarked. The list will be transmitted to patent offices worldwide with a view to preventing the granting of patents and trademarks involving the unlawful use of names of components of Brazilian biodiversity, such as ocurred in the case of cupuaçu.
Executive Secretary of UN Convention on Biological Diversity Ahmed Djoghlaf called for rapid implementation of the mutually supportive programs of work of the Rio conventions - the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as "the solution to addressing the root causes of desertification and alleviating the escalating risks of famine and disease resulting from the failure of dryland ecosystems."
The implementation of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity is of critical importance tthe achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of halving the rate of poverty in the world by 2015, he said.
In Algeria, which is this year's host for United Nations World Environment Day on June 5, the Head Office of the Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement organized a biodiversity study day at all mosques and Koranic schools on the impact of "man on nature and his role in its protection."