首度國際森林日 倡議全球「零非法毀林」目標 | 環境資訊中心

首度國際森林日 倡議全球「零非法毀林」目標


聯合國糧食及農業組織總執行長Jose da Silva(右二)(攝影:Alessia Pierdomencio ©FAO)聯合國在3月21日慶祝第一個國際森林日,糧農組織(FAO) 秘書長達席瓦(Jose Graziano da Silva)提議全世界都應支持「森林零非法毀林」的目標,他在聯合國宣布這項最新國際紀念日的儀式中,發表了非法毀林和飢荒兩者之間的關聯。



祕魯亞馬遜森林裡遭砍伐的陡坡。(攝影:Gino Cassinelli)潘基文說,「森林對我們來說是很重要的,它們覆蓋了將近三分之一的地球表面,並提供了多種無價的社會、經濟與環境效益。」他表示,森林提供了世界上3/4淡水的來源,它們使邊坡穩定並防止土石流,也能夠在海嘯和風暴來襲時保護沿海居民。除此之外,超過300萬人民使用木材作為燃料。


地中海國家官員在西北阿爾及利亞的Masion du Parc National de Tlemcen開會,以決定森林保育策略。(照片提供:地中海森林週)同一時間,地中海國家高層官員在18日到22日這週齊聚阿爾及利亞特萊姆森省的特萊姆森森林國家公園,共同策劃保護地中海森林之策略架構。

大會在21日通過「特萊姆森宣言」,該宣言最關鍵的項目便是認可「地中海森林策略架構」(Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests)是有效的策略工具,讓地中海地區的森林政策能因應全球變遷衝擊而有所調整。





'Zero Illegal Deforestation' Target Set on First World Forests Day
ROME, Italy, March 22, 2013 (ENS)

On the first International Day of Forests, celebrated Thursday by the United Nations, Jose Graziano da Silva proposed that all countries support a Zero Illegal Deforestation target.

As director-general of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, Graziano da Silva linked illegal deforestation and hunger at a ceremony marking the UN's newest International Day.

"In many countries, illegal deforestation is degrading ecosystems, diminishing water availability and limiting the supply of fuelwood – all of which reduce food security, especially for the poor," he said. "Stopping illegal deforestation and forest degradation would do much to end hunger, extreme poverty and bring about sustainability."

"We can achieve positive results if countries, the international financial institutions, the UN, civil society and the private sector join forces to tackle these issues," he said.

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed March 21 the International Day of Forests. From 2013 on, the day will be observed each year to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees to all life on Earth.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on governments, businesses and civil society to protect forests by reducing deforestation, preventing environmental degradation, and providing sustainable livelihoods for all who depend on this precious ecosystem.

"Forests are vital for our well-being. They cover nearly a third of the globe and provide an invaluable variety of social, economic and environmental benefits," said Ban.

Forests are the source of three-fourths of the world's freshwater, they stabilize slopes and prevent landslides, and protect coastal communities against tsunamis and storms. In addition, more than three million people use forest wood for fuel, said Ban.

Forests also help combat climate change as they store more carbon than is in the atmosphere, said the UN chief, yet some 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed annually, and deforestation accounts for 12 to 20 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

High-level officials from Mediterranean countries met this week in Tlemcen, Algeria's forested national park in Tlemcen province, to adopt a Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests.

Based on the key recommendations adopted on Thursday in the Tlemcen Declaration, the future implementation of the Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests is viewed as a useful regional tool to adapt national forest policies in the face of global changes affecting the Mediterranean region.

Algerian schoolchildren planted trees Thursday at Tlemcen and other groups planted trees in many places across the world to celebrate the first International Day of Forests.

Mediterranean forests will be hard hit by climate change and are under severe pressure from population growth, finds the first FAO report on The State of Mediterranean Forests, published Thursday.

The report was developed by more than 20 scientific and technical institutions and nongovernmental organizations and nearly 50 authors and other contributors coordinated by FAO and Plan Bleu, the main support center of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development.

FAO intends to publish The State of Mediterranean Forests every five years, providing further opportunities to unify and mobilize partners in the management of Mediterranean forests and other wooded lands.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.