巴西為南大西洋鯨魚禁漁區發聲 | 環境資訊中心



大翅鯨(座頭鯨)Humpback Whale國際捕鯨委員會會議將於今年6月登場,而科學性諮議以及對於鯨類保育的正反兩方政治角力也開始運作。一個由巴西聯邦政府、私營與公營企業和非政府組織所組成的聯盟,正持續倡導並堅守南大西洋為非捕鯨區,即為南大西洋鯨魚禁漁區。

Brazil Leads Another Bid for a South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary
FRIGATE BAY, St. Kitts and Nevis, 2006 (ENS)
Scientific consultations have begun in advance of this year's International Whaling Commission meeting and so has the political maneuvering both for and against whale conservation. An alliance of Brazilian institutions including the federal government, private and state owned corporations and nongovernmental organizations is resuming a drive to consolidate the South Atlantic Ocean as a zone free of whaling – a South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary.