Introduction 特輯緣起
How can we reach a common ground to protect our natural environment? How far can each of us go in the exploitation of our local environment? How fair is it to sample other societies' natural heritage while we have not been able to secure ours? Can we have the wisdom to stop before it is too late?
Endangered Species 瀕危物種介紹
Tiger 老虎
As tigers require a large territory per individual, their continuous presence is a sign that habitat fragmentation does not threaten the ecosystem...Read More
Saiga Antelope 賽加羚羊
The saiga antelope is a unique mammal in Eurasia. It is the only remaining grazer adapted to the harsh environment of the eurasian cold steppe. It usually lives in herds and migrates through the steppe to find pastures. The Eurasian cold steppe roughly extends from Eastern Europe to Central Asia...Read More
Rhino 犀牛
In the relatively small order of Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae is certainly the most threatened family. The five remaining species are protected, therefore hunting them is illegal...Read more
Takahē 南秧雞
The Takahē is a species of bird endemic to New Zealand. Its name comes from the Maori language, spoken by the polynesian people who settled on the islands before the arrival of European people. With a height reaching 50 cm and a weight of 3 kg, it is larger than any other member of the Rallidae family. Captive individuals can live up to 20 years, significantly longer than in the wild...Read More
African Elephant 非洲象
If there are two animals that come to everybody's mind when mentioning Africa, they certainly are the lion and the elephant. Both animals are today considered as threatened. Poaching of elephants has been a long standing issue. However, the largest land mammal in the world has come under increased pressure in the last decade. This clearly coincides with the African continent opening more and more to the global economy...Read more
Pangolin 穿山甲
Pangolins are sometimes referred as “anteaters” but this wording is misleading. Although their diet indeed includes ants and termites, pangolins are in no way related to South American anteaters and armadillos. From an evolution point of view, pangolins, despite their strange appearance are closer to the Carnivora members, as bears, tigers or seals...Read More
有時人們也把穿山甲稱作「有鱗甲的食蟻獸」,但這種稱呼並不正確。 雖然他們的飲食的確包括了螞蟻和白蟻,但穿山甲與南美洲的食蟻獸和犰狳卻完全沒有任何親緣關係。 從進化的角度來看,除了外觀比較奇異之外,穿山甲其實和熊、老虎、海豹等食肉動物有著更接近的親緣關係…詳全文
Eurasian Brown Bear in France 歐亞棕熊
The Eurasian brown bear is a subspecies of the brown bear Ursus arctos present in the Ancient World. Its range spans from Northern Spain to Hokkaido, Japan. The brown bear is also present in the northwest part of the Northwest America, though it was also historically present in Mexico and California. The American brown bears include the Kodiak and Grizzly subspecies...Read more
歐亞棕熊是舊世界(Ancient World)棕熊的亞種,從亞班牙北部一直到日本北海道都有分布。雖然棕熊原本生長在墨西哥與美國加州,但現在也存在於北美洲。在歐洲,大部分的歐亞棕熊仍生存於斯堪地那維亞半島,中歐,以及西俄。然而,位於西班牙北方與南法的族群已面臨滅絕的危險。除了歐洲以外,有小部份族群生存於高加索地區、北印度、中國、西伯利亞和日本北海道…詳全文
Giraffe 長頸鹿
The global giraffe population is estimated to have decreased from around 150,000 in 1985 to fewer than 100,000 in 2015. It represents a slip of more than 30% in three decades. This global figure needs to be looked at more carefully. Among the nine subspecies, four have seen their populations decreasing, four increasing while one has remained stable...Read More
長頸鹿的全球族群量正在逐漸減少,從1985年的15萬隻到2015年的10萬隻, 過去30年來,總族群量的減少量超過30%。更進一步看,在長頸鹿底下的9個亞種中,有4種數量減少、4種數量增加,還有1種持平,其中以東非的族群量銳減的最為嚴重,西非的亞種則逐漸擴張…詳全文

Graduated with a Major in Air & Space, I worked for 14 years as an engineer in the Aeronautical Industry. However, keeping a strong interest in nature, I decided to take a professional break for one year to get a Master’s Degree in fundamental Ecology.
Simultaneously, I have been an avid traveller, visiting Taiwan for the first time in 2010 and coming again in 2014 to learn Chinese.
I have always been struck by how western and eastern landscapes shaped by humans differ so much.