三度外洩有毒物質 澳洲礦業公司訴訟纏身 | 環境資訊中心

三度外洩有毒物質 澳洲礦業公司訴訟纏身


菲律賓拉普-拉普島(Rapu-Rapu)的社區民眾24日向地方法院遞交請願書,請求法院對澳洲拉法葉礦業公司發出中止營運永久禁制令。該公司日前遭指控殺蟲劑外洩而導致阿爾拜灣(Albay Bay)魚群大量死亡,此次意外事件發生在週末,地點位於美骨(Bicol)區阿爾拜省、菲律賓首都馬尼拉東南方350公里處的拉普-拉普島上,當時該公司正進行採礦作業。

Australian Mine Faces Layers of Lawsuits After Third Toxic Spill
MAKATI, Philippines, July 24, 2006 (ENS)
Communities from Rapu-Rapu island today filed a petition with the regional court for a permanent injunction to stop the operations of Lafayette Philippines, Inc., an Australian mining firm, amid allegations of a pesticide spill and fish kill in Albay Bay. The spill occurred over the weekend during mining operations on Rapu-Rapu, located in Albay province in the Bicol region, 350 kilometers southeast of the capital Manila.