澳洲傑諾倫岩洞世界最古老 3億4千萬年前形成 | 環境資訊中心

澳洲傑諾倫岩洞世界最古老 3億4千萬年前形成


位於澳洲新南威爾斯中心的傑諾倫岩洞,在3億4千萬年前就已形成(圖片來源 Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust)澳洲地質學家最近公佈的一份岩洞形成年代研究報告中證實,位於澳洲新南威爾斯中心的傑諾倫岩洞,是目前發現全世界最古老的開放式岩洞,在3億4千萬年前就已形成。20年前,大部份的科學家都認為傑諾倫岩洞形成時間頂多只有幾千年,直到1999年地質學家才推斷這個每年吸引許多遊客造訪的岩洞,可能已形成9千萬年到1億年之久。

Oldest on Earth, Australia's Jenolan Caves Date Back 340 Million Years
SYDNEY, Australia, July 31, 2006 (ENS)
The Jenolan Caves in central New South Wales are the world's oldest discovered open caves, formed 340 million years ago, new cave-dating research published by Australian geologists has found. Until 20 years ago, most scientists thought the Jenolan Caves were no more than a few thousand years old. In 1999 geologists estimated that the caves, which attract thousands of tourists each year, might be between 90 and 100 million years old.