美國,04-27-00,全世界有超過二萬名民眾捐出他們閒置時的電腦的運算能力,來幫助一項嘗試預測21世紀氣候的科學研究。卡新諾-21計畫(Casino-21) 要求義工們二十四小時都維持電腦開機的狀態,使他們不使用電腦的時候,可以透過他們的電腦,經由此計劃來協助他們進行分析氣候資料。卡新諾-21計畫是由英國的露特福阿波頓實驗室(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)的太空科學與科技部(Space Science and Technology Department)所主持,是世界上最大的氣候模擬計畫,並會產生最精確的模式。來自加拿大渥太華(Ottawa)的巴布渥克(Bob Walker)說,「我當義工是因為想為我的曾孫們累積保存好環境所須的證據,即使我只能做些微不足道的小事。」
More than 20,000 people around the world are donating their spare computing power to aid a scientific experiment that is attempting to forecast the climate of the 21st century. The Casino-21 project asks volunteers to keep their personal computers running around the clock so that when they are not otherwise in use, the PCs can help crunch climate data. Casino-21, based at the Space Science and Technology Department of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in England, is the world's largest climate-simulation project and could produce the most accurate models. Bob Walker, a participant from Ottawa, Canada, says, "My reason for volunteering is to help, even in some small way, in accumulating the evidence we need to preserve our environment for my children's grandchildren."
全文及圖片詳見 http://www.grist.org/news/daily/2000/04/27/
版權歸屬 Earth Day Network,環境信託協會