毛派反動人士參與尼泊爾犀牛保育成果 | 環境資訊中心



尼泊爾獨角犀牛(圖片來源: Deepak Gajurel)多年來持續發動武力攻擊對抗尼泊爾君主政體的毛派反動人士,近來也與保育人士合作,共同保護尼泊爾皇家奇旺公園內的獨角犀牛。由於奇旺公園內與其周遭地區的非法盜獵犀牛行為愈趨嚴重,來自毛派、主流政黨、政府、非政府組織和國際保育機構的代表,在上週召開了一個跨黨派的保育會議。

Maoist Insurgents Join Nepal's Rhino Conservation Effort
KATHMANDU, Nepal, August 28, 2006 (ENS)

Maoist insurgents, who for years have been mounting armed attacks against the Nepalese monarchy, have joined hands with conservationists to save the one-horned rhinos in the Royal Chitwan National Park.

As illegal poaching of rhinos is escalating in and around the park, representatives of Maoist and mainstream political parties, government, nongovernmental and international conservation agencies last week held an all party rhino conservation meeting.