查德象牙盜獵猖獗 百餘大象遭屠殺 | 環境資訊中心

查德象牙盜獵猖獗 百餘大象遭屠殺


查德大象遭屠殺取象牙(圖片來源:National Geographic)曾主持國家地理雜誌的知名保育人士麥克‧費(Mike Fay)率領的團隊,在8月中旬於查德東南方用小飛機進行視查時,發現5處象群遭到屠殺的位址。在這場悲劇中約有100頭象遭到殺害,多數的象牙都被取走,而象群遭屠殺的地點接近查國的扎庫瑪國家公園(Zakouma National Park)。

Poachers Slaughter 100 Elephants in Chad
WASHINGTON, DC, August 31, 2006 (ENS)
One hundred elephant carcasses, most missing only their tusks, have been discovered by a team of scientists near Zakouma National Park in southeastern Chad. Led by consevationist Mike Fay, the team sighted five separate elephant massacre sites totaling 100 individuals during a survey made August 3 to 11 from their small plane.