保育人士與科學家同聲斥責日本捕殺海豚行為 | 環境資訊中心



圖片來源:ocean conservancy日本每年都會進行的獵殺海豚行動,已在這個月展開,預計將捕殺超過2萬隻海豚與鼠海豚。對此保育人士、科學家、動物與水族生物等專家提出斥責,並將展開更進一步的抵制行動。儘管日本政府重申這類「驅趕漁法」的必要性,認為海豚與當地漁民爭奪有限的漁產;但批評者認為這種作法既不必要又慘忍。

Conservationists, Scientists Outraged by Japanese Dolphin Hunt
WASHINGTON, DC, September 21, 2006 (ENS)
Conservationists, scientists and zoo and aquarium professionals have renewed efforts to stop Japan's annual dolphin hunt, which began this month and is expected to kill more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises. The Japanese government says the "drive hunts" are necessary because the animals compete with local fishermen for limited supplies of fish, but critics argue the practice is unnecessary and inhumane.