歐洲食品廣受化學原料污染 | 環境資訊中心



歐洲食品中發現低量化學原料污染,包括鮭魚(圖片來源:Scottish Salmon)據世界自然基金會(WWF)的研究報告顯示,歐洲的食物廣泛地受到有害化學合成物污染,其中包括奶油、牛奶、蘇格蘭鮭魚、希臘羊乳酪、西班牙火腿和義大利臘腸等,都無可倖免。基金會表示,這樣的發現顯示工業化學原料的濫用,並強調需要訂立更嚴格的法規加以約束。






歐洲內分泌干擾素研究網(CASCADE)聯繫人古斯塔森(Jan-Åke Gustafsson)教授表示:「這些累積的污染物對人類影響最大,因為我們是食物鏈中最後一環。此外,這些化合物和荷爾蒙很像,一旦進入體內,它們會干擾內分泌正常運作,而可能造成肥胖、生育力降低和多種癌症。」


Chemicals Found in Common European Foods
BRUSSELS, Belgium, September 21, 2006 (ENS)

 Traces of potentially harmful synthetic chemicals are in a wide array of food across Europe, including butter, milk, Scottish salmon, Greek cheese, Spanish ham and Italian salami. The report from WWF said the findings illustrate the pervasiveness of industrial chemicals and underscores the need for tighter chemical regulation.

WWF found traces of manmade chemicals in every one of 27 food items tested, including dairy products, meat, fish, bread, honey and olive oil. The samples were purchased in supermarkets in seven EU countries - the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Finland and Poland.
The samples were analyzed for eight different groups of man-made chemicals - organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated chemicals, phthalates, organotins, alkylphenols and artificial musks.

The findings ranged from phthalates in olive oil, cheeses and meats, organochlorine pesticides in fish and reindeer meat, artificial musks and in fish, and flame retardants in meats and cheeses.

Although people will not necessarily become ill by eating these food items, the report said, there are serious concerns about the potential effects of long-term, low levels exposure to chemicals in the diet, especially on the developing foetus, infants and young children. And it is not so much the exposure to low levels of one pollutant that raises health concerns, but rather exposure to a mixture of chemicals.
Food is one of the most important routes for human exposure to pollutants, the report said, and this is particularly true for chemicals that persist and accumulate in the environment, such as DDT, PCBs and brominated flame retardants.

"Being at the top of the food chain, humans are particularly exposed to chemicals in food," said Professor Jan-Åke Gustafsson, coordinator of CASCADE, a European network focusing on endocrine disrupting chemicals in food, and who is supporting the WWF report. "As some of these chemicals are similar to hormones, they interfere with our endocrine system and may be a risk factor for diseases like obesity, different forms of cancer and diabetes as well as reduced fertility."

WWF said the report demonstrates the need for stricter chemical regulation and the group is urging the European Union to adopt stronger rules, including requirements for chemical manufacturers to provide regulators with safety data on chemicals and a provision to replace the most hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives whenever available.