白嘴啄木鳥在佛羅里達沼澤出沒 | 環境資訊中心



白嘴啄木鳥(圖片來源: Fish and Wildlife Service)鳥類學家日前於佛羅里達州東北部一座偏遠的沼澤森林中,發現非常罕見的白嘴啄木鳥,可惜此次未能捕捉到牠的影像。一般認為,白嘴啄木鳥在美國已絕種超過50年。一國際研究組織於25日宣布這個發現,同時給予保育人士一線希望,相信這種不易發現的鳥類仍持續在繁殖。

Ivory-billed Woodpecker Spotted in Florida Swamp
AUBURN, Alabama, September 26, 2006 (ENS)
Ornithologists have spotted the very rare ivory-billed woodpecker in a remote swamp forest in northeastern Florida, but have failed to capture a picture of the large woodpecker, previously thought to have become extinct in the United States more than half a century ago. An international research team announced the discovery on Tuesday, giving hope to conservationists that a breeding population of the elusive bird still exists.