泛阿拉伯國家組永續發展論壇 共同面對環境問題 | 環境資訊中心

泛阿拉伯國家組永續發展論壇 共同面對環境問題

摘譯自2007年2月7日 ENS肯亞,奈洛比報導;丁秋仁編譯;蔡麗伶審校

伊朗河谷平原因水壩興建而乾涸 (圖片來源:UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Europe)阿拉伯國家在公營與民營部門雙雙資助下,攜手成立新的區域非政府組織,致力達成永續發展的目標。7日在肯亞奈洛比所舉行的聯合國環境規劃署管理會議中,首次向國際環境社群介紹「阿拉伯環境暨發展論壇」(the Arab Forum for Environment and Development, AFED)。

論壇秘書長薩伯(Najib Saab)指出,「為了提升泛阿拉伯國家在新全球市場中的地位,我們誠摯希望能透過這個論壇,鼓勵阿拉伯商人與經濟機構聯手,開創一個專屬於環境友善產品的阿拉伯共同市場,以及發展永續環境的措施。」聯合國環境規劃署執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)對此同樣表達肯定,「阿拉伯論壇在這個全球化的世界裡,透過諸如授予公民社會及消費者權力等具體行動,達成永續發展的宏觀目標,因此我們相當歡迎這個倡議。」薩伯表示,「泛阿拉伯國家必須共同面對的環境問題不在少數,其中又以水資源、空氣汙染、土地劣化與沙漠化,以及海洋汙染等問題最為嚴重,導致區域內生產低迷,這也是為何我們要採取合作機制的原因。」


Arab States Form New Sustainable Development Organization
NAIROBI, Kenya, February 7, 2007 (ENS)

Arab countries are working together to achieve sustainable development in a new regional nongovernmental organization backed by both public and private sectors. The Arab Forum for Environment and Development, AFED, was introduced to the international environmental community today at the Governing Council of the UN Environment Programme underway in Nairobi.

"In order that the Arab countries may occupy a decent position in the new world market, we hope that this forum will succeed in encouraging Arab businessmen and economic institutions to collaborate in the direction of opening an Arab common market for products which are friendly to the environment as well as in the direction of harmonizing environmental measures," said AFED Secretary General Najib Saab. "The AFED is a welcome initiative that lays down steps towards achieving sustainable development in a globalized world including through empowerment of civil society and the consumer," UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said today. Saab said, "Common environmental problems demanding regional Arab cooperation are not few, among the most acute are water resources, air pollution, land degradation, desertification, and contamination of regional seas with the ensuing problems of low productivity."

The AFED program will be funded by membership dues, contributions to AFED Trust Fund, donations by corporate partners and organizations, and income generated by AFED activities and services.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.