
COP22氣候大使、法國青年Laurence Tubiana和摩洛哥青年Hakima El Haité在一份聯合聲明中指出,《巴黎協定》的落實相當具有挑戰性:
RE100再添生力軍 企業倡再生能源採購
RE100和EP100都是由氣候組織(The Climate Group)和CDP以及全球能源生產力聯盟(Global Alliance for Energy Productivity)所主導的倡議,彼此相輔相成,提供企業最低成本的減碳途徑,Dalmia、飛利浦照明和瑞士再保險公司,是頭三家兩個倡議都加入的企業。
RE100企業總共為乾淨電力創造超過100TWh的需求,足以供電給三個摩洛哥。11日發表談話的成員包括電動方程式賽車Formula E執行長Alejandro Agag、瑪氏(Mars)全球永續總監Kevin Rabinovitch和Facebook永續總監Bill Weihl。Rabinovitch更公布墨西哥廠新簽訂的風電採購合約。
當天更形成一個新的企業主導倡議「再生能源採購聯盟」(Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance,REBA),宗旨是促進再生能源供給與企業之間的連結。
產油國阿聯也挺再生能源 資助加勒比海島國轉型
COP21之後,開發中島國燈塔倡議(SIDS Lighthouse Initiative)快速成長,現在有39個會員國和19個發展夥伴,並發展出一套創新的島嶼再生能源支持計畫。
「電動的」電動方程式賽車 強調零碳排
Formula E電動方程式賽車則以新的零排放燃料為轉型乾淨能源做出貢獻。
Formula E執行長Alejandro Agag表示:「電動車搭配再生能源充電能發揮最大潛能,這就是Formula E全面改用革命性的零排放甘油作為動力來源的原因。電動車是未來的趨勢。」
即將於2017年初啟動的「One for all」計畫也在能源日發出預告。這個活動的宗旨是動員新的資金形態和新投資者,在2030年前終結能源貧窮。
Today is Energy Day at COP22, the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech – a day to demonstrate action on global efforts to decarbonize the energy system – globally, country by country, city by city, and business by business – now that the Paris Agreement on Climate is in effect.
“The great dynamic of climate action is now growing strong,” the COP22 Climate Champions, Laurence Tubiana of France and Hakima El Haité of Morocco, said today in a joint statement.
“The science is clear: the path towards achieving the long-term goals should bring us to peaking greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. This is a challenge, and we are not there yet,” they said.
“On the current trends, we will be in 2030 between 11 to 14 gigatonnes above Paris-compatible pathways. The purpose of these days is to strengthen all efforts and take them to the next level to stay on track for the objectives: stay well below 2°Celsius and if possible 1.5°C [below the global temperature in pre-industrial times], increase adaptation and resilience capacities and reorient financial flows.”
With the Paris Agreement having entered into force on November 4, companies and investors are now focused on the implications for their business models, the risks of energy intensity and the opportunities of new products and services for the low carbon energy system.
Commitments made before and in Paris are now being turned into action and new commitments are being made.
In this carbon constrained world the private sector increasingly sees energy productivity as the crucial but often overlooked ‘first fuel’. It can deliver 40 percent of necessary emission reductions, while reducing the world’s fossil fuel bill by more than $2 trillion and creating more than six million jobs globally by 2020.
New announcements made on Energy Day include:
Dalmia Cement and Helvetia have publicly committed to use 100 percent renewable power across their operations and join RE100; a global, collaborative initiative with more than 80 of the world’s most influential companies who are working to massively increase demand for – and delivery of – renewable energy.
Philips Lighting and Swiss Re who have committed to double their energy productivity and join EP100, a global campaign that works with companies to maximize the economic benefits of every unit of energy they consume.
The RE100 and EP100 initiatives are designed to work together to provide the least-cost decarbonization pathway for business, and today three companies – Dalmia Cement, Philips Lighting and Swiss Re – become the first companies to be part of both campaigns led by The Climate Group, in partnership with CDP and the Global Alliance for Energy Productivity.
Together, RE100 companies are collectively creating over 100TWh of demand for renewable electricity – more than enough to power Morocco three times over. Members speaking today include Alejandro Agag, CEO, Formula E, Kevin Rabinovitch, Global Sustainability Director for Mars, and Bill Weihl, Director of Sustainability, at Facebook. Rabinovitch announced a new wind power purchasing agreement to power Mars’ Mexican operations.
A new private-sector led initiative, the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA), was also announced – REBA builds connections between corporate electricity demand and renewable energy supply.
Since COP21, the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative grew rapidly to include 39 States and 19 development partners and developed an innovative island renewable energy support programme.
Developments in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Lighthouses Initiative, launched in Paris last year aimed at supporting islands in the transformation of their energy systems.
Nineteen renewable energy projects in the Caribbean were registered on the Sustainable Energy Marketplace, representing an investment volume of $1 billion.
Two island States, Antigua and Barbuda and Cabo Verde, were selected to receive funding from the IRENA/ ADFD Project Facility and other co-financiers for a total of $45 million. In addition the UAE have recently announced $50 million for renewable energy projects in the Caribbean States.
The Formula E racing circuit for electric cars is zooming ahead with a new zero-emissions fuel.
Alejandro Agag, CEO, Formula E, commented, “Electric vehicles reach their full potential when coupled with renewable energy charging – which is why all the fully-electric Formula E cars are powered by a revolutionary zero-emission glycerine. The future is electric!”
There have been pre-launch commitments to “One for All,” a global campaign to be launched in early 2017 that seeks to mobilize new forms of capital and new investors to end energy poverty before 2030.
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