剛果森林被濫伐 面積達7個比利時大小 | 環境資訊中心

剛果森林被濫伐 面積達7個比利時大小


綠色和平組織已警示公民社會,剛果雨林目前所受到非法砍伐的面積,已近乎7個比利時大小。(圖片來源:WCS,攝影:David Wilkie )剛果政府代表、援助社群與公民團體3月初將於比利時布魯塞爾聚首,共同研議如何永續管理剛果民主共和國境內森林。對此,綠色和平組織發出警告說,剛果雨林目前所受到非法砍伐的面積,已近乎7個比利時大小。

剛果地方團體與國際環保團體發現,一些伐木公司於2002年和剛果政府簽署備忘錄後,竟私自提高砍伐數額,環保團體憤而疾呼撤銷備忘錄中所有的砍伐權。當地非政府組織主任Pasteur Matthieu Yela Bonketo表示:「這些公司一再向我們保證美好的願景,但事實上心裡想的是如何為自已創造更多短期利益」。綠色和平與政府領導人都同意,這樣的伐木活動已無關永續經營,因此在剛果政府森林部門做好萬全的規劃與準備之前,應禁止並暫時取消任何伐木資格。


Illegal Loggers Mutilating Congolese Forests
BRUSSELS, Belgium, February 28, 2007 (ENS)

Delegates from the Congolese government, donor community and civil society will meet next week in Brussels to discuss the sustainable management of the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC. Greenpeace warns that more than 21 million hectares of rainforest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are now illegally logged, an area nearly seven times the size of Belgium.

Based on violations of a 2002 government moratorium on allocation, extension and renewal of logging titles, local and international environmental groups are demanding revocation of all titles granted after the moratorium was imposed. "Logging companies promise us wonders, but actually, they seem to be only interested in their own short term profits," said Pasteur Matthieu Yela Bonketo, coordinator of a Congolese NGO. Greenpeace and government leaders say that logging is not being conducted sustainably. Until comprehensive land use planning and sufficient governance capacity is in place in DRC forest sector, they say consideration cannot be given to granting logging titles.

The DRC contains 1,352,070 square kilometers of natural forests, representing six percent of the world’s tropical forests and more than 47 percent of Africa’s tropical forest areas. It is seen as an important sink for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which is responsible for global warming.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.