捕捉空氣中二氧化碳製燃料 芬蘭2017夏季試產 | 環境資訊中心

捕捉空氣中二氧化碳製燃料 芬蘭2017夏季試產



Soletair是世界上第一個結合太陽能發電和碳氫化合物生產於同一地點的示範工廠,由芬蘭政府的非營利VTT技術研究中心和拉彭蘭塔理工大學(Lappeenranta University of Technology,LUT)合作開發,和LUT的太陽能電廠協同運作。工廠的主要目的是展示整個技術的效能,並製造200公升(211夸脫)的燃料和其他碳氫化合物供研究用。

At the Soltaire demo plant Olli Pyrhönen, wind power professor, LUT (arm outstretched) and Pasi Vainikka, principal scientist, VTT. (Photo courtesy LUT)

專攻風力發電的拉彭蘭塔理工大學教授Olli Pyrhönen(手臂舉高者)及VTT技術研究中心的首席科學家Pasi Vainikka,一同站在Soletair示範工廠外。圖片來源:LUT。



「我們所示範的概念是未來化學業電氣化的其中一種可能性。2050年起人類必須停止燃燒化石燃料,但人類仍然需要碳氫化合物。」LUT教授Jero Ahola說。


「示範工廠將促進跨產業的工業整合和專業技術的累積。」負責專案協調的VTT首席科學家Pekka Simell說。



VTT和LUT投資100萬歐元於Soletair示範工廠設備。研究計畫資助者包括國家技術創新局(Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, Tekes)、芬蘭綠能、芬蘭運輸安全局,以及電力和自動化技術集團ABB等公司。

Cyril Bajamundi, research scientist from VTT (Photo courtesy LUT)

芬蘭VTT技術研究中心的科學家Cyril Bajamundi正在操作儀器。圖片來源:LUT。

Finland Makes Fuel Out of CO2 Captured From the Air
ESPOO, Finland, June 24, 2017 (ENS)

A unique demonstration plant in Finland has proven that carbon dioxide (CO2) can be taken directly from the air and used to produce renewable fuels and chemicals.

The Soletair demo plant developed by the state owned nonprofit VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lappeenranta University of Technology, LUT, is coupled to LUT’s solar power plant in Lappeenranta.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the technical performance of the overall process and produce 200 liters (211 quarts) of fuels and other hydrocarbons for research purposes.

This is a one-of-a-kind demo plant in which the entire process chain, from solar power generation to hydrocarbon production, is in the same place.

The demo plant is made up of four separate units: a solar power plant; equipment for separating CO2 and water from the air; a section that uses electrolysis to produce hydrogen; and synthesis equipment for producing a crude oil substitute from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

The researchers say that although humans must stop burning fossil fuels by the 2050 to control Earth’s rapidly warming climate, this process can supply in a sustainable manner the hydrocarbons humans will still need.

“The concept we are exploring is an example of how the chemical industry could be electrified in the future. The burning of fossil fuels must end by 2050, but people will continue to need some hydrocarbons,” said Professor Jero Ahola of the Lappeenranta University of Technology.

VTT and LUT will test the Soletair demonstration plant during the summer. After the pilot phase is complete, synthesis units will be used in a number of European Union projects over the next few years.


“The result will be multi-sectoral industrial integration. Finnish industry’s expertise in this area is being reinforced by collaboration,” said principal scientist Pekka Simell of VTT, who is in charge of coordinating the project.

Pilot-scale units have been designed for distributed, small-scale production. Production capacity can be increased by adding more units.

The Soletair plant will provide a platform for conducting research with international companies.

Information gathered during the project will be useful for the commercialization of the technologies. The scientists foresee new business opportunities arising for companies, such as those benefiting from the carbon circular economy or surplus electricity, or for chemical companies.

VTT and LUT have invested one million euros in the equipment. The research is being funded by Tekes and a number of companies: ABB, ENE Solar Systems, Green Energy Finland, Proventia, Hydrocell, Ineratec, Woikoski, Gasum and the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi).

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.


