美國國家奧杜邦協會(National Audubon Society)於賓州辦公室的執行總長沙菲爾博士(Timothy Schaeffer)表示,賓州森林和農業地區因為太多鹿群的過度啃用而削減鳥類和其他野生生物上千公畝的棲地。以上為沙菲爾博士於賓州黎巴嫩郊區和農業議題聽證會中,參院農業暨農村事務委員會(Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee)面前進行的陳述。
賓州保育和自然資源部於2006年5月公佈的研究顯示,從他們抽取的4萬1650個森林樣區當中,少於25%具有理想的森林更新(forest regeneration)狀態,而幾乎45%缺乏任何嶄新的林樹成長。賓州奧度邦協會列出84種重要鳥類,近全部受到鹿過度啃用的傷害。
The over-browsing of Pennsylvania's forests and agricultural areas by too many deer has eliminated thousands of acres of habitat for birds and other wildlife, according to Timothy Schaeffer, PhD, executive director of Audubon Pennsylvania, the state office of the National Audubon Society.
Dr. Schaeffer made the comments before the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee at a listening session on rural and agricultural issues in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
He called deer the largest single threat to bird habitat after urban sprawl.
"The impact of deer on our forest ecosystem, the crop and forest products losses, the loss of life and property from deer/car collisions and the impact on public health from the incidence of Lyme disease carried by deer have all been documented and the picture painted by these numbers is not good," said Dr. Schaeffer.
A study released in March by the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources showed fewer than 25 percent of the 41,650 forest plots they looked at across the state showed desirable forest regeneration and almost 45 percent lacked any new woody growth.
Nearly all of Audubon's 84 Important Bird Areas in Pennsylvania has experienced damage caused by deer over-browsing.
Schaeffer supports allowing hunters to reduce the deer population without further restrictions.
The first priority should be the restoration and maintenance of fully functional forest ecosystems,
containing a full component of native biological diversity at all levels, he said. "It is the best way to serve the long-term interests of the people and wildlife of Pennsylvania."
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