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Cross-strait environmental and sustainable development forum Ⅰ



After Taiwan's economy began to grow, the government here gradually passed many environmental protection statutes. Now that China’s economy is rapidly rising, environmental protection issues there have become the focus of world attention. Does increased garbage output necessarily go hand in hand with affluent societies? The Taiwan Environmental Information Association has invited scholars and experts from both Taiwan and China to discuss issues related to environmental pollution such as environmental protection policy, the environmental protection movement and sustained development. The Taiwan News has recorded the proceedings of this forum for the elucidation of our readership.

Taiwan waste management concepts and policy developments


Chen Man-li: Today I would like to focus on the story of waste management policy in Taiwan. In earlier days, there was a lack of material goods in Taiwan. The population here was small after World War II -- only six million people. After only a short 50-year period, however, there are now 23 million people living in Taiwan, three times more than before. In those earlier days, resources were at a minimum, so Taiwanese were more frugal. Most people at that time lived their lives according to the notion of “making the most of everything.” There was not much consumerism at the time either, which meant the volume of garbage was low. I remember when I was young there were people who would go door to door buying recyclables; most of them would sing a song while doing so. This was a golden period for Taiwan, as our consumerism and garbage had yet to create any problems.


In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Taiwan’s economy began to take off, population increased and consumerism increased, causing much more garbage to deal with. There was another major reason for the increase of garbage in Taiwan; we were using way too many disposal utensils. When the economy got better, we all became worried about the hygienic problems of using chopsticks that others may have used when eating out. This was because many roadside vendors didn’t have enough clean water to wash the dishes. Once somebody said that when people get a little money, they start worrying about dying; we here in Taiwan were no exception.


Many environmental protection laws slowly began to be drawn up after the economy took off as well. In 1974, Taiwan had its first Waste Cleanup and Treatment Law. In 1987, when the Environmental Protection Administration was established another important thing happened in Taiwan; martial law was lifted. Martial law was lifted on July 1, 1987 and the EPA was established on August 22 the same year. The main policy to come out of the EPA in 1989 focused on how to handle buried garbage dumps. It wasn’t until 2001 that the Basic Environmental Law was passed in Taiwan.

民間團體的腳步 經常走在政策之前
Civic groups act before policy


Civic groups often act before government policy takes hold. In 1987 when the EPA was just set up, many civic groups at the time already saw our growing garbage problem and began to promote a “garbage to gold” campaign. The gist of the campaign was to sell recycled resources. In the process of this campaign, many garbage dumps were already reaching capacity and the government was constantly opening new ones. But wherever the new dumps were opened, local residents were bound to complain. The government realized that since it was getting harder to find new dumps, it might be easier to incinerate the garbage. Thus in 1989, the government began a new policy of building incinerators. But when the incinerators were being built, the public complained once again. As people were not doing a good job at separating their trash, gases from the incinerators were causing health problems.


We feel the best solution would be to undertake thorough recycling of resources. If a thorough recycling effort were in place, there would be an approximate 40 percent reduction in trash. We demand that the government do this for us, but the level of cooperation from sanitation workers is insufficient. There is ample cooperation from civic groups on this front, as religious groups such as the Tzu Chi Foundation, Dharma Drum and Fo Guang Shan have all began to actively promote resource recycling. In 1996, the government stipulated that all sanitation units had to conduct recycling duties. Thus, this work has shifted from civic groups back to the government; the government conducts annual assessments of sanitation worker recycling efforts, as this system has allowed them to carry out the policy a bit more thoroughly.


Kitchen waste accounts for nearly a third of Taiwan’s trash output. If we can completely recycle 40 percent of our trash as well as 35 percent of kitchen waste, then we our left with only 25 percent of our original trash output. This was the rationale behind pushing for the recycling of kitchen waste. In the past, it was Taiwan’s agricultural unions that took responsibility for kitchen waste recycling. The recycled kitchen waste was used mostly by pig farmers; but when the economy took a turn for the better, many pig farmers switched professions, making kitchen waste a big problem. The problem of kitchen waste is especially serious in big cities today.


In 1998, our Homemaker’s Union and Foundation began pushing for more recycling of kitchen waste. In 2000, two communities in Taipei City were chosen to become models for kitchen waste recycling. When our group first started, the scope was very small, with only about 600 to 800 households taking part; but when the government began promoting kitchen waste recycling, 5,000 more households joined in. By the year 2004, kitchen waste recycling began to take effect throughout all of Taipei City with excellent results, as trash output was reduced dramatically. On January 1, 2006, Taiwan began to enforce a three-tier trash separation program: kitchen waste, recyclables and general garbage. Failure to comply with this program could result in fines.


In summation, Taiwan's waste management system has gone from burying and incinerating to separating and recycling, which has resulted in a reduction of trash. We feel that the best way to tackle the trash problem is to cut down the sources. Much of our trash is just resources put in the wrong places; if recycling efforts were done well, then there should be no trash whatsoever. Hot global topics these days are how to set up resource recycling societies and instill the notion of sustainability in the public mind. The notion of sustainability requires a lot of educational initiative and not constant fines from the government for noncompliance with recycling policies; everybody has to be willing to take part to make it work.

※ 本文轉載自Taiwan News Online