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另外,伊拉克紅新月會(Iraqi Red Crescent Society, ICRS)7月5日所發行的報告也指出,2006年2月22日於巴格達北方60英里的撒瑪拉發生什葉派聖殿爆炸事件,造成了14萬2260個家庭,約103萬7615人頓時流離失所。

Displaced Iraqis Languish in Makeshift Camps
SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq, July 27, 2007 (ENS)

About eight kilometers outside of the city of Sulaimaniyah, improvised tents, made up of blankets, protect displaced Iraqis from the blazing sun.

The impoverished inhabitants of the Qawala internally displaced persons' camp are families who've escaped threats and violence in the rest of the country for the relative stability of the north.

The north is increasingly becoming a refuge for Iraqis from Baghdad and elsewhere, according to a report released last week by the International Organisation for Migration, IOM.

According to an Iraqi Red Crescent Society, ICRS, report released July 5, 142,260 families - about 1,037,615 individuals - have become internally displaced persons since February 22, 2006, when a revered Shia shrine in Samarra, 60 miles north of Baghdad, was bombed.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.