Arctic sea ice fell below all previous records for the lowest absolute minimum extent ever measured by satellite on Thursday and Friday, said scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Sea ice extent has fallen below the 2005 record low absolute minimum and is still melting, said researcher Walt Meier.
A rapid disintegration of Arctic sea ice during July has prompted scientists to warn there is a 92 percent chance that Arctic sea ice extent will hit an annual record low. Sea ice extent, the area of an ocean covered by at least 15 percent of ice, has been shrinking since the late 1970s, when satellite measurements began.
The decline is believed by many researchers to be due to higher temperatures due to global warming from a buildup of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth's atmosphere.
Currently, sea ice extent is particularly low in the East Siberian side of the Arctic and the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. Ice in the Canadian Archipelago is also quite low, the scientists said. Along the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ocean, sea ice extent is not as strikingly low, but is still less than normal.
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