紐約州大利多 擬補助綠住宅每戶1萬美元 | 環境資訊中心

紐約州大利多 擬補助綠住宅每戶1萬美元


紐約州將補助每戶1萬美元改建綠建築(圖片來源:Wikipedia)紐約州民眾在興建或整修住屋時,若設計符合綠建築標準,可望得到州政府的補助。紐約州長夫人希妲8月底時表示,州長史匹哲(Eliot Spitzer)將提出法案,研擬這項直接補助辦法,款項將視房屋大小而定,每戶以1萬美元為上限;若符合綠建築或永續標準,州政府另協助貼補一般建材和綠建材的差額,一般說來在5%左右。


紐約州宿舍建築管理處執行長布朗(David Brown)呼應州長夫人,另外提出兩項推動綠房屋和公有綠建築的倡議。布朗強調,「2008年開始,州內由宿舍建築管理處提出的新建築工程和大型翻修計畫,皆需符合美國綠建築會議所提出「能源發展和環境平衡標準」(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,LEED)」。



New Yorkers Could Be Funded for Building Green
ALBANY, New York, August 31, 2007 (ENS)

7號世貿中心(7 Wolrd Trade Center)是紐約市第一座綠建築大樓(圖片來源:Wikipedia)New York homeowners who build or renovate homes that meet green building criteria may get some financial help from the state of New York. Governor Eliot Spitzer's administration will propose legislation that offers a direct financial incentive, said New York First Lady Silda Wall Spitzer, announcing the initiative on Tuesday.

The amount of the incentive will be based on the size of the home, with a cap of $10,000 per home, and help offset the typical 5 percent increase in construction costs when "green" or "sustainable" features are incorporated, she said.

"This legislation offers an economic incentive to everyday New Yorkers who would like to make their homes more energy efficient, but are concerned about higher construction costs. The incentive will help defray these upfront costs, which will yield significant energy and cost savings for the homeowner in the long term," she said.

David Brown, executive director of the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, joined the First Lady to announce two separate initiatives to promote the construction of green homes and state-owned buildings. Beginning in 2008, all new state construction projects and major renovations managed by the Dormitory Authority will meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards established by the United States Green Building Council, said Brown.

The LEED Green Building Rating System is an internationally recognized program for the design, construction, and maintenance of high-performance green buildings. LEED addresses all aspects of building construction and operation, including energy efficiency, land use, water conservation and re-use, indoor air quality, renewable energy, non-toxic landscaping practices, and recycling.

Both announcements are the latest initiatives in Governor Spitzer's comprehensive energy and environmental agenda. Earlier this year, the Governor unveiled his "15 x 15" plan to reduce energy use by 15 percent from forecasted levels by the year 2015 through new energy efficiency programs intended to reduce energy bills, greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollution.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.