加國政府伐林破壞斑點梟棲地 與保育政策背道而馳 | 環境資訊中心

加國政府伐林破壞斑點梟棲地 與保育政策背道而馳


這片被徹底砍伐的林地正位於一處指定的斑點梟保育地中。圖片來源:ENS保育人士發現,瀕臨絕種的斑點梟(spotted owl)位於加拿大最後的棲息地,因一個政府核准的計畫,遭到砍伐。加拿大最大的會員制荒野保育組織「加拿大西部荒野委員會」(Western Canada Wilderness Committee),要求卑斯省政府遵循其制定的貓頭鷹管理措施,停止伐木。


加拿大西部荒野委員會研究員米勒(Andy Miller)在一處鄰近潘伯頓(Pemberton)S&M河的鄉村,調查少數幾隻存留下來的斑點梟,卻發現正在進行的伐木計畫。

政府的行為與貓頭鷹管理計畫背道而馳,加拿大西部荒野委員會為了公開這件事,7日沿著綠河(Green River)的砍伐路線,在貓頭鷹森林的窩附近設立研究駐紮營。



Logging Chews into Canada's Last Spotted Owl Habitat
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, September 7, 2007 (ENS)

The last habitat of Canada's critically endangered Northern spotted owls is being logged in a government-approved operation, conservationists have discovered. Canada's largest membership-based wilderness preservation organization, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, is demanding that the government of British Columbia follow its own owl management policy and call a halt to the logging.

卑斯省一隻飽受威脅的北方斑點梟(學名:Strix occidentalis caurina)。圖片來源:ENS A total of just 17 spotted owls remain in Canada - all in British Columbia. A federally listed endangered species at risk, these owls rely on old-growth forests to roost, nest and forage. Six single spotted owls and four pairs still live in the wild, down from an estimated population of 500 pairs before commercial logging began in the last century. Three single owls have been captured for a government captive breeding program.

Western Canada Wilderness Committee staff scientist Andy Miller discovered the ongoing logging operation while investigating one of the province's few remaining spotted owl sites at S&M Creek near Pemberton.

To publicize the government's violation of its own owl management policy, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee today established a research camp along the Green River logging road, in a small meadow directly adjacent to the owl's forest home.

"We are setting up the research camp to attract public attention to this BC government-approved logging operation which is damaging this endangered species site," said Miller.

"We will also be photographing and documenting on video the destruction caused by the road construction and tree felling, and each one of the planned cutblocks so we can show the world the spotted owl habitat that is at risk. Our aim is to get this logging stopped," he said.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.