2007年南極臭氧層破洞較小 但並非復原 | 環境資訊中心

2007年南極臭氧層破洞較小 但並非復原


2007年10月16日偵測到的南極臭氧層破洞。圖片提供:European Space Agency世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization, WMO)18日表示,2007年南極臭氧層破洞的情形相對來說有比較小了一點,但這並不表示臭氧層開始復原;反之,臭氧層破洞面積縮小是和今年(2007年)南半球冬季南極平流層的氣溫較溫和有關。


南極上空臭氧層破洞情形和2006年相較縮小了約30%,而根據歐洲太空總署(European Space Agency)氣候偵測衛星Envisat所做的偵測顯示,2007年臭氧耗損最高紀錄約2770萬噸;相較之下,2006年的臭氧耗損紀錄則高達4000公噸。


2007 Antarctic Ozone Hole Smaller But Not Recovering
GENEVA, Switzerland, October 19, 2007 (ENS)

The Antarctic ozone hole this year is relatively small, but its size is not a sign of ozone recovery, the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, said Thursday. Instead, the smaller size of the ozone hole is related to the mild temperatures in the Antarctic stratosphere during the 2007 southern hemispheric winter.

Since 1998, only the ozone holes of 2002 and 2004 have been smaller than this year's hole, said the UN's climate and weather agency.

The ozone hole over Antarctica has shrunk 30 percent as compared to last year's record size. Measurements made by the European Space Agency's Envisat satellite show that this year's ozone loss peaked at 27.7 million metric tons, compared to the 2006 record ozone loss of 40 million tonnes.

The 2007 ozone hole is relatively small both in terms of area - about 25 million square kilometers - and the amount of ozone destruction, which occurs when ozone reacts with chlorine, bromine, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen gases.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.