在一項針對阿留申群島海域為期2年的科學調查中,2007年夏天進入第二階段,而在此次調查中科學家發現了3種新的海洋生物。2007年的潛水調查主要針對阿留申群島的西部海域,從阿圖島(Attu Island)一直到安利亞島(Amlia Island),而2006年則是針對東半部海域進行評估。
在此次的潛水調查中,發現了2種潛在的新種海葵。海洋生物學教授,同時也是這次潛水探險隊隊長的朱伊特(Stephen Jewett)教授表示,這些是「會走路」或是「會游泳」的海葵,因為他們會沿著覓食的路線在海底慢慢移動。
另一個新發現的海洋物種是一種海草或褐藻,科學家稱之為「黃金V型海藻」(Golden V Kelp)或「阿留申黃金藻」(Aureophycus aleuticus),根據美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)國家海洋漁業局的海藻專家,同時也是潛水探險隊的成員之一的林德堡(Mandy Lindeberg)表示,這是一個新種類的海藻,或者甚至是一種新海藻族群。
This summer, during the second phase of a two-year scientific survey of the waters around the Aleutian Islands, scientists discovered what appear to be three new marine organisms. This year's dives surveyed the western region of the Aleutians, from Attu to Amlia Island, while last year's assessment covered the eastern region.
During the dives, two potentially new species of sea anemones have been discovered. Stephen Jewett, a professor of marine biology and dive leader on the expedition, says that these are "walking" or "swimming" anemones because they move across the seafloor as they feed.
While most sea anemones are anchored to the seabed, a "swimming" anemone can detach and drift with ocean currents. The size of these anemones ranges from the size of a softball to the size of a basketball.
Another new species is a kelp or brown algae that scientists have named the "Golden V Kelp" or Aureophycus aleuticus. According to Mandy Lindeberg, an algae expert with NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service and a member of the expedition, the kelp may represent a new genus, or even family, of the seaweed.