他們的「2007觀察名單(WatchList 2007)」報告中,針對通常在美國繁殖的683種鳥類的族群大小、發展趨勢、分佈狀況及所受威脅進行分析。 分析結果顯示橫跨美國本土的178個鳥種,以及夏威夷的39個鳥種正逐漸成為稀有種類,並且面臨空前的生存危機。
奧杜邦學會會長佛力克(John Flicker)在一個通訊會議上告訴記者們說:「我們匯集這些清單是因為我們關心鳥類以及我們與他們共享的環境。這些生存有危機的鳥類正清楚地告訴我們一個訊息,也就是他們的命運受人類活動所影響的程度比其他任何因素都來得大」。他還表示:「這些資料很清楚顯示,當我們透過保育幫助這些鳥類,他們會更好,他們的狀況也會改善;而當我們危害他們所在的土地、水、空氣、以及棲地,他們就更可能走向絕滅的命運。」
One in every four bird species in the United States is imperiled and needs conservation help to survive, finds a new assessment released today by two bird-centered organizations - the Audubon Society and American Bird Conservancy.
Their report WatchList 2007 is an analysis of population size and trends, distribution, and threats for the 683 bird species that regularly breed in the United States.
It shows that 178 species across the continental United States as well as 39 birds in Hawaii are increasingly rare and face more threats to their survival than ever before.
WatchList 2007 data show that these birds are vulnerable to many of the same environmental threats - global warming, habitat loss to development, pollution, and non-native invasive species.
"We complied this list because we care about birds and we care about the environment we share with them," Audubon President John Flicker told reporters on a conference call today.
"These imperiled birds are sending us a clear message. Their fate is determined by human activity more than anything else," said Flicker. "The data makes it clear that when we help these birds through conservation, they do better, they improve. And when we hurt their land, water air and habitat, they're more likely to go extinct."
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