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這次會議焦點在美國國內和國際間關鍵性的能源和環境政策。眾議員正朝向議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)所呼籲的方向,亦即「減低石油依賴性、促進有效使用能源使用的歷史性能源法規。」


看守世界機構資深研究學者、也是能源和氣候變遷計畫執行長索因(Janet Sawin)表示,潔淨能源的擁護者必須說服民選官員,「推動乾淨能源對企業是轉機而非危機。」


能源部助理部長卡斯納(Andy Karsner)則認為,政界和業界對於氣候變遷問題「指陳有餘,解決不足。」為幫布希政府當前的再生能源進展辯護,並為「石油癮」解套,卡斯納呼籲節約用油,並倡用再生能源,減少石油消耗速度和溫室氣體排放量。

Fossil Fuels' Free Ride Is Over
By John Gartner, WASHINGTON, DC, November 30, 2007 (ENS)

A diverse group of investment bankers, energy executives, government officials and clean energy advocates has agreed that the environmental cost of producing energy should be factored into its price, and that Congress must develop energy policies that move away from fossil fuels.

At the American Council On Renewable Energy conference, Wall St. money managers, self-described conservatives, a Bush administration official, and energy company BP spoke as one, declaring that fossil fuels have gotten a free ride in emitting greenhouse gases, and that the day of reckoning is long overdue.

The conference is focused on influencing energy and environment policymaking at the national and international levels.

Congress is now moving forward with what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls "historic energy legislation that will reduce our dependence on foreign fuels and promote energy efficiency."

"We have made significant progress toward completing this package and hope to have a final agreement next week," Pelosi said Thursday. "This energy package will lay the groundwork for the Congress to move forward next year with comprehensive action to address climate change."

Clean energy advocates should convince elected officials that promoting cleaner energy is not a risk to industry but an opportunity, said Janet Sawin, a senior researcher and director of the Energy and Climate Change Program at the Worldwatch Institute.

We "need to convince political leaders that renewable energy is about creating job opportunities," she said. Sawin said that 2.5 million jobs have been created worldwide in renewable energy.

Andy Karsner, an assistant secretary of energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, said that politicians and industry have climate change "problem identification in spades, but not enough problem solving."

While defending the Bush administration for its recent progress on renewable energy - citing the President's "addicted to oil" mantra - Karsner called for more action on fuel economy and renewable fuels to reduce oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

全文及圖片詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.