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入侵原始亞馬遜上游 石油公司開採計畫通過


亞馬遜上游盆地擁有豐富的生物多樣性;圖片來源:Save America's Forests地球上最原始、生態最豐富的雨林之一就是位於厄瓜多爾和秘魯邊境的亞馬遜上游盆地。華盛頓的一個保育組織表示,這個盆地正面臨石油開發的急迫威脅。該保育組織與南美洲的保育團體有緊密的關係。這個盆地屬於納帕潮溼森林生態系,它的隱密偏遠地區遺世獨立,是許多選擇離群索居原住民的家。


芬納(Matt Finer)博士是華盛頓特區非營利組織「拯救美洲森林」的生態學家,他指出,「有3個石油公司即將在地球上生態最豐富的熱點開始運作。」芬納曾經待在偏遠的亞馬遜鄉村好幾年,而且他的研究也還在持續進行。

亞馬遜森林中一種瀕危靈長類。圖片來源:Reserva Communal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo, 雨林保護基金會秘魯政府剛通過了屬於美國公司巴瑞特資源(Barrett Resource)的第67區,和屬於西班牙公司瑞普索(Repsol)的第39區的環境影響評估報告。







Oil Developers Permitted to Penetrate Pristine Upper Amazon
WASHINGTON, DC, December 4, 2007 (ENS)

One of the most intact and biodiverse rainforest regions on Earth, located in the Upper Amazon Basin on the Ecuadorian-Peruvian border, is now threatened by imminent oil development, warns a conservation organization based in Washington with close ties to its counterpart groups in South America. Known as the Napo Moist Forest ecosystem, this remote region is home to uncontacted indigenous groups living in voluntary isolation.

Yet the governments of Ecuador and Peru have just given the green light for three major new oil projects in the area.

"Three different oil companies are set to begin operations in what is arguably the most biodiverse spot on Earth," said Dr. Matt Finer, an ecologist with the DC-based nonprofit organization Save America's Forests. Finer has spent years in the remote Amazon back country, and his research is ongoing.

The Peruvian government just approved the environmental impact studies for Block 67 belonging to the U.S. company Barrett Resources and Block 39, which belongs to the Spanish corporation Repsol.

The Ecuadorian government recently granted an environmental license for the Brazilian state oil company Petrobras to drill for oil in Block 31 located in Yasuní National Park, a roadless area sheltering some of the world's rarest species.

All three blocks are located within the core of the Napo Moist Forest. In addition, the Peruvian government has just signed eight more contracts with multinational oil companies.

Analysis by Save America's Forests shows there are now 50 active blocks under contract with multinational companies in the Peruvian Amazon, and at least 13 more are on the way.

"Around 73 percent of the Peruvian Amazon, an area the size of the states of California and Maine combined, is now or soon will be in the hands of oil companies," warns Finer. "That's up from just 13 percent in 2004."

In addition to concerns about the region's extraordinary biodiversity, these new projects pose a major threat to Peru's vulnerable uncontacted peoples.

Indigenous, environmental and human rights groups have been protesting for months that the projects in Blocks 67 and 39 overlap territories of several groups in voluntary isolation.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.