調查:生物多樣性對氣候行動決策者影響大 | 環境資訊中心



北極熊賴以生存的冰因氣候變化而正融化中。圖片來源:Scott Schlieb,USFWS根據一份最新的調查,對氣候行動決策者來說,保護地球上生命型態的多樣性,其實比成本效率更為重要。這份獨特的調查,是針對105個國家的1000名處理氣候變遷的資深政府官員、科學家、商界人士和社會領袖所做的。這份調查的發現在10日於巴里島聯合國氣候變遷會議時發表。



世界自然保育聯盟總幹事瑪騰烈福(Julia Marton-Lefèvre)表示:「這個調查是個重要的里程碑,它為氣候變遷的協商同時帶來好消息與壞消息。這份調查將永續發展與生物多樣性列在氣候變遷行動中最重要的位階,這非常鼓舞人心。但是,這2項重點卻無法時時刻刻在氣候變遷的協商中充份反映。」





Survey: Biodiversity Crucial to Climate Decision Makers
NUSA DUA, Bali, Indonesia, December 11, 2007 (ENS)

The protection of Earth's diverse forms of life is more important to climate decision makers than cost effectiveness, according to a unique new survey of 1,000 climate senior government officials and scientists, business and civil society leaders from 105 countries. The study's findings were released Monday at the annual United Nations climate conference now underway in Bali.

Unlike public opinion polls, the survey focuses on the views of professionals in a position to make or influence large decisions in their organizations and society.

the survey found that while most decision makers rate climate change as a key factor influencing their professional activities, only 27 percent think a post-Kyoto agreement by 2009 is likely or very likely.

"This landmark survey brings good and bad news for climate negotiations," said Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of the World Conservation Union. "It is encouraging that sustainable development and biodiversity rate highest in importance for climate action, but this is not always reflected in the climate negotiations."

Asked to rate various possible components of an adequate post-2012 global agreement, strong majorities give high ratings to inclusion of all major carbon-emitting countries. Ninety-two percent said an inclusive agreement is essential or important, and 77 percent said that legally binding targets for each signatory country are essential or important.

Eight-four percent of respondents said commitment by wealthy countries to provide aid and technology transfer to help developing countries meet emissions targets is essential or important.

Capture and storage of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of coal, oil and gas is not seen as central to the control of global warming, the survey found. In fact, the decision makers expect half of their organizations’ reductions of carbon emissions over the next decade to come from energy demand management or efficiency improvements, not carbon capture.

More than six in 10 respondents report that climate is one of the top three factors affecting their organizations today.

全文及圖片詳見 :ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.