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植物病害肆虐 全球各地作物減產


密西西比州立大學植物病理學家Tom Allen檢視大豆銹病;圖片來源: MSU針對全世界植物疾病的分佈狀況,國際傳染病學會發表年度報告,結果顯示許多疾病正在傳佈擴散,但同時亦有好消息回報,例如澳洲成功根除了風媒性真菌引發的葡萄葉銹病(grapevine leaf rust)。

澳洲根治柑橘潰瘍病(citrus canker)的行動也即將完成,但是潰瘍病,以及最早出現在巴基斯坦的柑橘黃龍病(citrus greening)仍持續在美國蔓延。

此外,澳洲的蔗農繼續與甘蔗黑穗病(sugarcane smut)奮戰,該疾病被引入當地還未滿18個月,就已擴散到所有重要甘蔗產區。甘蔗黑穗病的病原菌是Ustilago scitaminea,於1877年在南非發現,美國佛州曾透過改種抗菌品種的方式,成功防治這種疾病。



亞洲大豆銹病(Asian soybean rust)2007年首次入侵迦南、剛果與加拿大,美國也比2006年新增4州出現疫情。該病由真菌Phakopsora pachyrhizi造成,是大豆最嚴重的疾病之一。

香蕉細菌性萎凋病(Banana bacterial Xanthomonas wilt)從烏干達開始擴散至整個非洲,幾乎失去控制。非洲咖啡也由於萎凋病、葉銹病與炭疽病(coffee berry disease)爆發,收成大受影響。西非可可豆產量則因黑莢病與腫枝病而銳減。

馬鈴薯晚疫病(Potato late blight)出現新型菌株,毒性更強且可抵抗數種殺菌劑,讓許多國家大感頭痛,印度已受到嚴重衝擊。

馬來侏儒椰(Malayan dwarf coconut)雜交品系對椰子黃化致死病(lethal yellowing disease)的抵抗力消失,讓許多疫區的復種計畫遭受打擊,目前也尚未查明抗病能力消失的原因。



Plant Disease Outbreaks Caused Crop Losses in 2007
BROOKLINE, Massachusetts, December 31, 2007 (ENS)

A year-end report from the International Society for Infectious Diseases shows the pattern of plant diseases around the world. While many diseases are spreading, there is some good news - grapevine leaf rust, caused by a wind borne fungus, has been successfully eradicated in Australia.

Also in Australia, a citrus canker eradication program is almost complete, although citrus canker and greening diseases continue to spread in the United States. Citrus greening was reported for the first time from Pakistan.

Australian sugar growers are struggling with sugarcane smut, which has spread to all the major cane growing areas within 18 months of introduction of the pathogen into the country. Caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea, sugarcane smut was discovered in 1877 in South Africa. The use of resistant varieties is an approach to smut control that has succeded in Florida.

A controversy regarding the exclusion of New Zealand pome fruit by Australia to prevent the introduction of fireblight has been taken to the World Trade Organization.

Rice viruses and their insect vectors were rampant in parts of Asia.

Asian soybean rust was first reported in Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Canada in 2007, and was found in four more states in the United States than in 2006. Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most destructive diseases of soybean.

Banana bacterial Xanthomonas wilt appears out of control in Africa with a disease focus in Uganda. Outbreaks of coffee wilt, leaf rust, and berry disease have affected crops in Africa. Cocoa black pod and swollen shoot diseases are causing serious crop losses in West Africa.

Potato late blight is causing concern in many countries due to emerging new strains with increased virulence and multiple fungicide resistances. A major outbreak has affected crops in India.

A breakdown of resistance to lethal yellowing disease was observed in Malayan dwarf coconut hybrids. This jeopardizes replanting programs in areas affected by the disease. The mechanism of the resistance breakdown is unknown.

Fungal diseases of vegetable, cereal and root crops, and grapevines were of concern in Europe due to warm and humid weather patterns in 2007.

These diseases are tracked by the International Society for Infectious Diseases' Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases, an electronic outbreak reporting system that monitors infectious diseases globally.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.